The Best Luke Kleintank Quotes

Caleb: What are you doing here?
Harold: You're so smart, Caleb. Ask me something you don't know. The thing about being reckless - taking chances - is that you make a lot of mistakes, cause a lot of grief.
Caleb: Gonna start lecturing me on mistakes? How I need to live and learn? Move on? That's really inspiring, Mr. Swift. I'd stand up on my desk and clap for you.
Harold: No. Your mistakes, like mine, are part of who you are now. You can't move on from that. Believe me. I've made a sizable number. But... sometimes your mistakes can surprise you. My biggest mistake, for instance... brought me here. At exactly this moment when you might need some help.

Harold: I grew up during the Cold War When computer networks were just a gleam in the eye of the department of defense. Things seemed more black and white then. Arpanet was the new frontier. Till a kid with a homemade computer turned the whole thing inside out. All I'm saying is It's a new era now, and things are about to get really weird. So you should keep your code close to your vest. And pick your friends wisely.
[Hands him a paper]
Harold: Pi. The first 3,000 digits. My number's in there somewhere. You're smart, you'll figure it out.
Caleb: Wait, uh, the hacker. The one who got away? How'd you know he did that with a homemade computer? I've read all that research. No one's ever mentioned that.
Harold: I must have heard it somewhere.

Supervisory: Rafferty.
Michael: Why are you looking into Pavel Novikoff?... Come on, you know all the keystrokes on your work computer are...
Supervisory: Are logged. I know. I got a tip from a confidential source.
Michael: Your mom? Yeah, that whole Hutchinson file thing? That was an integrity test on you by your mother to see if you would do her bidding, and you did.
Supervisory: I notified OPR when she reached out.
Michael: No, you asked for the case file, then had a change of heart and called in OPR, yes or no?
Supervisory: What do you need, Mike?
Michael: You're being played, Scott. If this wasn't your mom, you'd see it from a million miles away.
Supervisory: And what is in the Hutchinson file that is of interest to her in the first place?
Michael: It sure as hell wasn't so she could clear her name.It was Hutchinson's chumminess with Novikoff that was of interest to her.She wanted details on Hutchinson so she could find a way to expose Novikoff at the Kremlin. But Novikoff ran before she could make her power move.
Supervisory: Why does she want Novikoff?
Michael: He grew a conscience, gave the wrong advice to the wrong people. Now he's out of favor at the Kremlin and on the run. And your mom, as a Russian loyalist, is trying to find him and kill him and use you to facilitate it.
Supervisory: My own involvement started in this in Kraków when you gave me a surveillance photo of her. You must've known that I was gonna look into her. So is that what you wanted? So are you her handler, hmm? You lost touch, you started to panic, wanted to use me as your bloodhound?
Michael: Yes, and I thought I knew her well till she fully betrayed me and the United States and became fully absorbed in Russia. Novikoff was the one who recruited and turned her, by the way.
Supervisory: So if he really is on the run, wouldn't it be in the best interest for the Americans to bring him in out of the cold? I mean, he's in the top lineup at the Kremlin.All those communications are face-to-face, "Godfather"-style. We could set back Russian penetration efforts a decade with what's rattling around in that man's head.
Michael: Yeah, that's not for you to determine... Nor contemplate.

Chris: "Hacker" used to refer to industrious coders who pushed the boundaries of modern computing. Then that word became misappropriated by those who pushed the boundaries so far that they ended up with jail time. Like Kevin Mitnick, back in the 1980s. He was just trying to see how stuff worked. Mitnick was looking for flaws in the system. And he did so by breaking the law. But he proved people were the flaw, not the code. Now they're paying him millions for the same thing that got him locked up in the first place.
[Class laughs]
Chris: Perhaps the most notorious hacker of them all was the one that got away. Back when Uncle Sam was trying to maintain IriTrip on the budding Internet Or Arpanet, as it was known then. This hacker, this coder, hacked into the system and laid its secrets bare, ensuring that the Internet would become an open forum.
Caleb: Plus that hacker made his mark without ever getting busted.
Chris: True. Whoever it was, that person's still out there.

Harold: Maybe you and I are connected. Two reckless people.
Caleb: Yeah? Then what's the use? We're just gonna keep breaking things Over and over. Why not save everyone the grief?
Harold: The thing about the world is that it doesn't have any extra pieces. It's like pi: it contains everything. You remove a single piece, no circle. Your recklessness, your mistakes, are the reason why when they say, "You can't change the world." you won't listen. The world is better off with both of us in it, Caleb, rather than the alternative.
Caleb: Yeah? You sure about that?
Harold: Yes, and your mom is better off with you in it. If you think money can replace you, you haven't seen the whole equation. Take it from someone who thought leaving would make it easier on everyone and then learned otherwise.

Harold: You know, I used to do a little coding myself. That's an elegant string you have. But it occurs to me that if you want to implement multi-threading, you'd do better to use atomic variables. Just a thought.
Caleb: Wait, that would work.
Harold: [Smiles] I know, that's why I suggested it.

- Next time you decide you wanna deal e to a kid who's clearly never bought in his life...
- Do it in the locker room.
- Because this jumpy fool is a neon sign shouting, "drugs ahoy," chief.
Caleb: Aah.
- Finch: That's enough.
- Unless you wanna settle this in the principal's office.
- Are you okay?
- I don't need your help. Okay?