The Best Malcolm in the Middle, Season 4, Episode 19 Quotes

Hal: Listen, son, I know you're worried about the baby coming, but you don't have to be. Yes, you're not going to be the youngest any more, and it is true the baby will get all of our attention for quite a while, and you will have to do a lot more work around the house, and probably have to share the bedroom...
Lois: What your father is trying to say is, there is no reason for you to be acting up like this. Now, get this mess cleaned up. And the baby is not talking to you.
Dewey: It said you'd say that.

Craig Feldspar: [ripping up paper] Forget this. You can't learn anything from a resume. So, tell me about your employment history.

Lois: So, this morning Dewey tried to go to school in his underwear, because apparently the baby doesn't like his wardrobe.