The Best Marcus Whitmore Quotes

Marcus: [Miriam hissed to the cat] Be nice, Miriam.

Marcus: [as he's presented with a sealed letter] Grand Master of The Knights of Lazarus? I can't do this. I don't want to.
Matthew: You think I did? But Philippe wanted to keep The Congregation and the Knights separate. So he made me promise him that the brotherhood would never be run by Baldwin. And I'm asking you to do the same.

Marcus: [over the phone] Witches won't mess with Ysabeau.
Miriam: Ysabeau's more likely to rip off Diana Bishop's head than they are.

Nathaniel: [Marcus chopped a piece of wood with an ax] How did you do that?
Marcus: Couple of hundred year's practice. Wanna go?
Nathaniel: I'll stick with computers.

Marcus: [entering Matthew's room] What are you doing here?
Juliette: [about Matthew] Where is he? Is he chasing after that witch?
Marcus: What witch?
Juliette: If you don't tell me, Gerbert will be very angry with me.
Marcus: Do you really think I care?
Juliette: [about Matthew] Does he miss me?
Marcus: He's moved on. He doesn't think of you, ever!

Sarah: [to Marcus and Miriam] How on earth could anyone think that you're human?
Miriam: [in slight challenge] You're hardly inconspicuous yourself. The smell of henbane is coming off you in waves.
Sarah: [directly at Marcus because he's watching her] You got a problem, junior?
Marcus: Oh, no. No, no. It's just, erm... You look so much like your namesake. Sarah Bishop, your ancestor. She taught me how to set a broken leg at the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Marcus: [trying to be charming to Diana] I'll tell you what Matthew likes if you come to the lab and get your bloods done. We're taking DNA from witch remains and we've identified four original clans.

Marcus: [shaking Diana's hand and inhaling her scent] Wow! AB negative. Don't suppose I could take some of you blood, could I? It's tough getting a sample from a living witch.
Diana: No, thank you.
Miriam: [slightly irritated, to Matthew] If your friend isn't here to give blood, what is she here for exactly?
Matthew: I wanted to show Diana that the work we're doing here proves beyond all doubt that creatures are dying out. Vampires are failing to sire. Demons are increasingly prone to madness.

Marcus: [as she hisses at the cat] Be nice, Miriam.
Miriam: [as the step up to the porch] Surely, if we're here to just guard the place, it's not essential we go inside?
Marcus: Yeah, but it's not very sociable, is it?

Marcus: [about James dying] He was my friend and I took his death away from him for nothing.