The Best Martin Hub Quotes

Xander: You have a bazooka! Dude, stop thinking Prague Police and start thinking Playstation. Blow shit up!
Ivan: Is not bazooka. It's heat-seeker, right?
Xander: Heat-seeker...
Xander: [picks up heat-seeker rocket] Set it!
[Ivan activates heat-seeker]
Xander: The son of a bitch is smoking.
[fires rocket, kills Kirill]
Xander: I told him that cigarette was gonna kill him one day.

Xander: Yo. What's your name, slick?
Ivan: My name is Ivan.
Xander: Ivan? What's your name, buddy?
Ivan: [looks back at Xander] My name is Ivan.
Xander: [looking confused] You're both Ivan?