The Best Marty Winston Quotes

Marty: You'd better have a damn good reason to put your hands on me.
Cyrus: How about this: you're under arrest for the murder of Charlie Sawyer.
Marty: I want to see an arrest warrant.
Kevin: [patting his coat pockets] Oh, my bad. I think I left it in Henryville.
Cyrus: By the way, the sheriff says hi.

Court: Docket number 86947, People v Martin Winston. Murder in the second degree.
Judge: How does the defendant plead?
Marty: I'm not guilty, Your Honor. And I'm appearing pro se.
Judge: You're a lawyer?
Marty: A litigator, but I'm sure I can master the intricacies of criminal law.
Judge: And ego's no substitute for common sense, counselor. But it's your funeral.