The Best Mary Tyler Moore, Season 7, Episode 17 Quotes

Lou: Do you forgive me?
Mary: No.
Lou: What would it take for you to forgive me?
Mary: You tell Sue Ann you lied, you tell her it was your idea, you tell her you're sorry, you tell me you're sorry, and you promise me you will never put me in a position like that again.
Lou: Ah, to hell with it.

Lou: From now on, you're going to be totally in charge of hiring people. When you want to hire somebody, you don't have to check with me. It will be your decision.
Mary: Wow.
Lou: And if you don't want to hire someone, that'll be your decision too.
Mary: Uh huh.
Lou: Do you think you can handle that, Mary?
Mary: Mr. Grant, I know I can.
Lou: Good. Sue Ann wants a job in the newsroom.

Lou: [to Mary, who he's put in charge of whether-or-not to hire Sue Ann, and whom Mary doesn't want to hire] In twenty years, that could be you.

Mary: Mr. Grant! Will you LOOK at what you are doing?