The Best Meg Foster Quotes

Nada: You're married?
Holly: Yes.
Nada: Please don't lie to me.
Holly: No.

Holly: You're fighting the forces of evil that none of us can see without sunglasses.
Nada: Take a look.
Holly: If you want me to look through your sunglasses, I'll look through your sunglasses. If I don't see what you see, I'm going to see it anyway.

Col. Steve Austin: Was your ship launch from a planet or a larger spaceship?
Minonee: A large spaceship.
Col. Steve Austin: Where?
Minonee: Out there, near Pluto's orbit.
[points to the sky with two fingers]
Col. Steve Austin: [quoting J.M. Barrie] Second star to the right, straight on till morning.

Carla: Gates... and walls... dams... and barriers. How can you live in such a psychically-constipated world?
Hanna: I eat a lot of fiber.
Carla: Secrets are one thing, but secrets that carry over to death, are very toxic. It makes it... hard to see clearly. I see, but... as through a glass, darkly.
Hanna: Did Alison kill Mona?
Carla: [holds up her hand, ponders] Each one hated the other... because... each one feared the other... because... each one knew something about the other.
Hanna: Where's Mona?
Carla: She isn't in Rosewood. She's in the dark. She's not having an easy passing. Betrayal. Betrayal and loss. Her soul is lost, bound. She is surrounded by earth, and insects, and cold. There's no peace. Only fear.

Hayley: [to old Josephine LaRue] Are you serious? She puts on a talent show, he has every vampire in the Quarter kissing your ass, and your final answer is "screw you"?
Gia: [tries to intervene] Hayley...
Hayley: Back off!
Elijah: We came here to honor the alliance between us. If this is something you wish to rescind, so be it.
[turns, walks away]
Josephine: Don't you dare walk into my house and threaten me! I am not the one that needs you, Elijah Mikaelson, it is you who needs us. Or... you will soon enough.
[to: ]
Josephine: There is a storm... coming, chere... and your darkest... demons ride upon it. I do not know its name, but when I peer... into your future, there is a blackness... that should terrify you...
[Hayley swallows hard]

Oscar: Could you give us any information, any knowledge that your people may have accumulated?
Minonee: I've told him everything I know.

Col. Steve Austin: Does the saving of one life mean anything to your people?
Minonee: Yes, a great deal.
Col. Steve Austin: Good. Yours is the one we're gonna save.

Nada: Now look, uh, things turned out a little sour for me today.
Holly: You're not the only one.
Nada: Yeah, well, I'm sorry. But I needed you to get away.
Holly: No, you have two guns. You're not sorry. You're in charge.

Elijah: [acknowledges early morning visitor] Josephine.
Josephine: [wears jewel-decorated scarf, obviously to hide lethal neck injury] Forgive me for calling so early, Elijah... But I've come bearing a message from your Aunt Dahlia. She is owed a debt and she means to be paid.
Klaus: She can writhe in hell first.
Josephine: For merely taking what your mother promised her? If you must harbor hatred, isn't it better spent on the one who traded your child away a thousand years ago? Blame Esther, if you must... but I... seek only to fulfill a bargain. A bargain that consequently resulted in your very existence. Perhaps you should be thanking me.
Elijah: [sees this apparition for who she really is, steps forward] Dahlia.
Josephine: My child... I prefer... "Aunt... Dahlia."
Klaus: [steps forward] You dare... enter my home.
Josephine: I only came for what is mine. The time has come... to add the child's power to my own. Though I do not detect her here... I see you used a spell... to cloak her. No matter.
[croaking: ]
Josephine: Such spells will yield, as will you. Say your farewells. You have till nightfall tomorrow. And then... the child... shall... be mine. Be a dear, and inform the mother. No reason we can't be civilized about this.

Gia: [Hayley is not at all happy to see that Elijah's assistant is a beautiful young woman] I'm gonna go see if I can find Josephine.
[goes off]
Hayley: Well, now I see why you didn't answer my call.
[sweetly: ]
Hayley: Did she have to come with us?
Elijah: Josephine LaRue can be rather recalcitrant. She is, however, enamored with Gia's musical prowess, cavalier spirit...
Hayley: Hmm. So the baby vamp is now the witch whisperer.
[Elijah gives a long-suffering sigh]
Hayley: I'm just glad that you found someone so multitalented to spend your time with.
Elijah: What exactly do you want from me?
[looks at her, she returns his gaze, but doesn't offer any answer]
Elijah: Madame LeRue...
Josephine: Mr. Mikaelson.
[gets a kiss on the cheek]
Josephine: Mm.
[and another one]
Josephine: Have you come to impress me once more with young Gia's rare talents?
[takes notice of Hayley]
Josephine: What, pray tell, does this one do?
Elijah: This one is family... madame.
[Hayley smiles]
Elijah: We've come to ask a favor.