The Best Mike Bodak Quotes

Jamie: Mr. Bodak, if you can identify this man, we can re-arrest him.
Mike: Two days out of jail and you want me to save your ass? Tell your bosses it'll be 20 years before I owe them anything.
Jamie: You don't owe them. And since you barely knew Matthew Sherman, I guess you don't owe him either.
Mike: Hey, who owes me, Ms. Ross? You act like that other stuff never happened!
Jamie: I'm sorry.
Mike: Yeah, you're really good at that, saying you're sorry.
Jamie: I actually do feel sorry for you - a decent guy who got screwed. But when a decent guy has the opportunity to put a killer behind bars, he stands up.

Joostens: You must be out of your mind if you thought we'd agree. Mike's not saying word one at your murder trial unless he gets full immunity on these charges
Jack: The Bronx ADA won't agree to that.
Joostens: Then you have a problem, McCoy.
Jack: Mr. Bodak, you promised to testify.
Joostens: He didn't promise to incriminate himself for bookmaking! Mike, anything you say at the murder trial the Bronx DA can use against you.
Jack: I'l.l do everything I can to protect you on the stand, but I need you on the stand!
Joostens: All right, we're done talking, McCoy.
Jack: Mr. Bodak...
Mike: What? What am I supposed to say? Look where I am. They want me to finger Ray D'Antoni, Mr. McCoy. They want me for that, you want me for Garcia... I'm gettin' killed here!
Jack: I know.
Mike: I don't understand. I just helped a guy change a tire. I don't get it.
Jack: You help me, Mr. Bodak, and I'll help you.
Joostens: I don't think he can stand much more of your help.
Jack: Fine. Listen to him. Stay here and stand trial for bookmaking while Ricky Garcia is acquitted for lack of evidence.
Joostens: All right, that's enough, McCoy!
Jack: You'll be in jail, and he'll be out there doing drugs and killing people. It's your choice.
Joostens: It's too risky, Mike.