The Best Mile 22 Quotes

James: Certain operations require a level of violence not palatable to most people, and certain operations require a higher level of deniability.

Dorothy: Do you have men wandering our embassy?
Deputy: Absolutely not.
Dorothy: Good. Because the men who were wandering the embassy are now absolutely dead.

Anatole: [last words, in Russian] You're making a mistake.
James: [In Russian] I've made a lot of those.

James: [On Noor] He's a killer dressed up as a hero.

Johnny: [at briefing] Your job is not to predict tomorrow based on yesterday. That's what academics do. Your job is to prevent the end of tomorrow by using your brains and your imagination. If you don't find the caesium before it's too late, you will be held responsible for the single largest intelligence fumble since a flight instruction school in Florida failed to grasp the significance of a 19-year-old Al-Qaeda terrorist saying he didn't need to learn how to land.

[last lines]
James: The great game continues. Today was yours... see you tomorrow.

James: You've got a big ego.
Li: It's not ego.
James: It's everybody's downfall, my friend. Ego is not your amigo.

James: [yelling at the lab techs] We're looking at approximately 60,000 people becoming Jell-O on our watch, all right? That's what this shit does. Caesium-139 is Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. Only you don't need sophisticated planes to place it, you only need a kid who can empty an envelope on a sidewalk.

Johnny: This... is such shit! This is the worst fucking shit of all the fucked up shit we've ever seen! This is the shittiest, most fucked up shit...
James: I got it. Ok? Relax, calm down. Go take a little nap.
Johnny: Fuck you!

James: I think there is no defense against someone willing to die. Someone capable of cultivating our trust by offering us the one thing that we want, and the one thing that we need, that's the real weapon of mass destruction. A killer who looks like a hero.

Li: Say hi to your mother for me.

Bishop: [over the radio to a rambling James Silva] Stop monologuing, you bipolar fuck!

James: Are you feeling calm, Alice?
Alice: No, not even a little bit. Are you?
James: Me? I'm totally calm.
Alice: That's because you're mentally unstable.
James: Thank you.

Bishop: Speed matters. We have a team of seven operators. They are no longer employees of the US government. They are engaged in a higher form of patriotism. They are ghosts.

Technician: [Li being evaluated by the technician] Do you know what it feels like to fall in love?
Li: Dangerous.
Technician: What does it feel like to kill a man?
Li: Nothing.
Technician: Repeat after me. Green.
Li: Green.
Technician: White.
Li: White.
Technician: Are you an agents of the Israeli government?
Li: No.
Technician: Are you an agent of the Pakistani government?
Li: No.
Technician: Are you involved in acts of espionage against your own government?
Li: Yes.
Technician: Do you possess the code to open the disc?
Li: Yes.
Technician: Can we trust you?
Li: Yes.
Technician: Romeo.
Li: Romeo.
Technician: Juliet.
Li: Juliet.
Technician: Where is that code?
Li: In my mind.
Technician: If transported to the United States, will you open it?
Li: ...Yes.

Alice: I have no ability to communicate with my daughter now.
James: You're never gonna do something normal until you die. That's what this job is.
Alice: I think I've lied to every person that I've ever met.