The Best Miz Melny Trafford Quotes

[Sam and Miz Melny are discussing civil rights issues]
Miz: Nobody's gonna change the way things are.
Sam: But they will. Blacks are gonna unite...
Miz: "Blacks"?
Sam: Blacks. That's what they'll- That's what we'll be called instead of Negroes.
Miz: What's in God's name's wrong with being called a Negro?
Sam: Maybe it's just a little too close to nigger.
Miz: [sternly] I've *never* used that word, Jesse. Not to your face or behind your back.

Miz: [Being attended] What are you doin'?
Dr. Sam Beckett: I'm just checkin' to see if you're all right.
Miz: Since when did you get a medical degree?
Dr. Sam Beckett: Well, I've done some doctoring in my time.
Miz: Well, I'll thank you to please keep your colored voodoo to yourself!