The Best Mo'at Quotes

[Mo'at walks towards Jake and Grace with a knife]
Dr. Grace Augustine: Mo'at, no!
Mo'at: [pleads with Jake] If you are one of us, help us!
[cuts Jake and Grace loose]

Mo'at: Why did you come to us?
Jake: I came to learn.
Mo'at: We have tried to teach other Sky People, it is hard to fill a cup which is already full.
Jake: My cup is empty, trust me. Just ask doctor Augustine, I'm no scientist.
Mo'at: What are you?
Jake: I was a marine, a warrior of the uh, Jarhead clan.

Moat: It is hard to fill a cup that is already full.
Jake: My cup is empty. Trust me. Just ask Dr. Augustine. I'm no scientist.
Moat: Then what are you?
Jake: I was a marine. A warrior... of the uh... Jarhead Clan.

Mo'at: It is decided. My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, "Jakesully", and we will see if your insanity can be cured.