The Best Molly Quotes

Kirk: This is when you say Hi Molly.
Dylan: Who are you?
Kirk: She is Molly.
Ron: Why is she here?
Kirk: She came with me.
Dylan: Did you hit her car or something?
Kirk: Jesus... No but thank you for asking.
Dylan: Are you a social worker?
Molly: Nope
Dylan: Aw shit are we being evicted?
Dylan: Are you a hooker?
Debbie: Dylan!
Dylan: Or a prostitute I mean?

Ron: Come on in for a dip girl.
Molly: Oh no, I don't even have a bathing suit.
Dylan: You can wear your underwear. It's just like a bikini it covers all the good shit.
Ron: Yeah underwear is fine.
Marnie: RON!
Ron: It's like what they did in the old days.
Molly: Underwear would be fine if I were wearing any.

Molly: You know what, Kirk? Maybe you're right. Maybe you are a 5. You know why? No self-esteem, deduct a point. Every time someone walks into a room, you compare yourself to them. Deduct a point. You're a smart and talented guy who's afraid to do anything with it. Deduct a point. Um, how are we doing? Oh, oh yeah! Hoping that I have a defect that you can work with? Deduct whatever's left.
Kirk: I'm out of here. Webbed fucking feet, are you kidding me?
Molly: KIRK!
Kirk: Hey, do me a favor. Tell "foot long" I say hi.
Molly: He's my EX boyfriend, Kirk. EX. And do you even know why we broke up?
Kirk: Why, because you guys couldn't decide which one of you was hotter?
Molly: No, because he behaved EXACTLY like you're behaving right now. He couldn't handle it. He thought I was perfect. He had me on a pedestal that I couldn't possibly live up to! Oh, and one other little thing? He cheated on me! And so after that I said to myself I am not going to date guys like that anymore.
Kirk: Guys like that? So, what? You're just, you're going to date guys like me?
Molly: Is that what you want to hear? That I asked you out because I thought you were safe?
Kirk: Yeah, please, keep going.
Molly: That I thought that a guy who looks like you wouldn't hurt me? Is that what you want to hear, Kirk? Are you happy now?
Kirk: Yeah, I'm ecstatic.
[walks out]

Molly: OK so, you're gonna tell me exactly what's going on?
Stainer: In ten minutes Kirk is leaving on a plane for Branson with a horrible, horrible girl.
Molly: Marnie?
Stainer: Yes! Let's go.
Molly: If Kirk's getting back together with Marnie I'm not going!
Stainer: In fourth grade I peed my pants. On several occasions. Everybody started calling me Stainer. Do you know how I made it through those dark days?
Molly: Plastic underwear?
Stainer: In part. But also Kirk. You see he told me to own that name. call myself Stainer so that nobody could hurt me with it.
Molly: What's your point?
Stainer: Kirk is the best guy that I know. But he's like... he's like a spider. You know, he's more afraid of you than you are of him. And he also has long legs and... Look, if you want him, you gotta go get him.

Molly: You think I'm too perfect? So you were hoping there was something wrong with me so you could be with me?
Kirk: Look at the evidence, Molly. I'm unattractive, I'm out of shape, I'm uncoordinated, I've never been to Europe, I'm not a college graduate, I drive a Neon.
Molly: I like your Neon.
Kirk: Oh come on, Molly, look at me. I'm a 5. This is a 5. Hard 5. You can't jump more than two points. It's the Tao of Love. Everybody knows that. Even if you were a 9 and I was in a band. But no, you're a hard 10.
Molly: What are you talking about?
Kirk: Do you even know how hot you are? No, you probably think that everybody gets free shit everywhere they go and everybody's happy and nice to each other in shiny happy hot town with you and all your hot friends and ex boyfriends, but I hate to break it to you, it's not the same for the rest of us.
Molly: Okay, Kirk. You clearly have some major self-esteem issues.
Kirk: You lied about me to your parents right in front of me!
Molly: No I didn't!
Kirk: "Kirk's in aviation?" That's like saying the guy who shovels elephant shit at the circus is in show business. No, he's just the elephant shit guy. That's me. I'm that guy.

Molly: Underwear would be fine... if I were wearing any.