The Best Night Court, Season 1, Episode 7 Quotes

Carla B.: I paid for it.
Cafeteria: That's a switch!

Carla B.: [Wrapped in Harry's judges robe, she says sincerely] Judge Stone, Thanks for the dignity.

Lana: Oh My God I almost forgot, the special election is tonight. You're up for a city counsil seat.
[She looks at Dan's melancholy expression]
Lana: You're loosing. That's why you're depressed.
Dan: Yes I am loosing. But that's Not the depressing part.
Nostradamus: [Turning around from the table behind Dan] Hey didn't your opponent die two weeks ago?
Dan: [Closing his eyes with a nod] THAT's the depressing part.
Lana: So um, how bad are you...?
Dan: The Body is ahead by twenty percent!

Judge Harry T. Stone: Something bugging you Lana?
Lana: Harry how can you take pudding from a Hooker?
Judge Harry T. Stone: [Stunned] I never thought anyone would ask me that question.

Judge Harry T. Stone: You got an extra bread pudding?
[Holding the cup Carla has just given him]
Carla B.: I bought two. I guess my eyes are bigger then my
[she stops]
Judge Harry T. Stone: [Smiling back at her after looking at her chest] Why don't you let me fill that part in?
Carla B.: [laughs flirtatiously] You're so Clever!
Judge Harry T. Stone: [With an awe shucks grin] Yeah, I guess I am.