The Best Payton Quotes

Payton: I can't remember any of my life before this flight began.

[Bower sees that his hand is shaking uncontrollably, and he speaks to Payton over the walkie-talkie]
Bower: Payton? Pandorum, you ever felt the symptoms?
Payton: [aghast] Of all the things to remember, why would you pick that? Were you thinking of the Eden mission?
Bower: What about the Eden?
Payton: You just had to remind me of the biggest fucking catastrophe in space travel, the flight cautionary tale from Hell.
Bower: I remember, didn't they have some kind of hypersleep malfunction?
Payton: Three years into their shift, one of their officers had a psychological breakdown. The doctors referred to it as ODS symptom. The privates, we call it Pandorum. It drove him insane. He became convinced that the flight was cursed. Evil.
Bower: What did he do?
Payton: He evacuated the ship. He launched them all into oblivion. Five thousand people sent to their death with one push of a button.

Payton: We're not out on the belt collecting data. And we're not hauling cargo. We *are* the cargo.

Payton: Maybe this is a bad time to tell you, but the door is open.
Bower: Are you fucking kidding me?
Payton: Ya I'm kidding you.

Payton: We call it... pandorum.