The Best Phyllis Lyons Quotes

Dr. Sam Beckett: Now, Annie. I'm sure that Ralph is really a very wonderful man.
Annie: Billy. Springtime is wonderful. Sunsets are wonderful. Babies are wonderful. Ralph... is Ralph.
Admiral: Ouch.

Dr. Schmidt: [to Foreman] Science is not about human relationships. It's about results, but you know that. You work for House. Why do you think I brought you on as my partner?

Dr. Sam Beckett: Have you ever looked at a beautiful building? And noticed the columns, and the... domes and windows, and, you know, stuff like that? And... you never looked at the foundation, did you? Not once. Never even thought about the foundation. But without the foundation, the whole building would topple down, and there wouldn't be any more domes or windows or columns or... Maybe you should think of Ralph like he was a foundation.
Annie: Okay.
Dr. Sam Beckett: Okay?
Annie: Okay. He's a pile of posts that are better off buried and you don't even notice until they rot. And then you either replace 'em, or you move on. Well, thanks, Billy. I never quite saw it that way.