The Best Principal Cincotta Quotes

Principal: [In his office, to AJ and Egon, showing them their tests] imagine neither of you ever got so much as a passing grade on any geometry test and then the mid-term. Sister Agnes shared these with me: both of you ninety-six percent. Remarkable, I'd like to call your parents and share the good news with them
A.J. Soprano: Oh, you really don't have to
Principal: What do you want to tell me? If you cooperate now, it'll be easier later
Principal: [Referring to the janitor] I don't have to waste my time with you, it was both your urine that Mr. Lugumo spent two hours scrubbing. Your DNA was an exact match
Egon: [Begins to cry] oh, Jesus
A.J. Soprano: His the one who peed first! I didn't even have to pee until he did it. I could take another test. You can watch me

Principal: Verbum Dei has a strict zero tolerance policy in cases of vandalism. It's a policy that demands the immediate expulsion of the offending student
Tony: [to the principal then to AJ] I told him, you see?
Principal: Having said that in this case after much deliberation and assessment, we have decided on a "suspended sentence." This consideration has only been arrived at upon Anthony's academic performance and his involvement in extracurricular sport
Carmela: His academic performance?
Principal: His brought his GPA up to a C...
Tony: So, what is the punishment?
Principal: We suggest and hope that Anthony's punishment be meaded out parentally
Carmela: So, it's not exactly "zero tolerance?"
Father: Each child is special: that's the guiding principal of this school too
Tony: What about detention?
Principal: A lawsuit a few years back forced us to eliminate our detention program
Tony: Well, his off the football team right?
Father: No
Principal: Studies done at Harvard and elsewhere have shown that boys have greater success in avoiding the pitfalls of adolescent when committed to and involved in sport
Tony: [to AJ] You better wipe that smile off your face
Tony: Look, I told him his going to be off the team. Now aren't you kind of...
Carmela: [Interrupts him] undermining...
Father: [Interrupts her] It's not only skill that Anthony has shown on the field, it's also leadership qualities as well. We feel that it'll be against his best interests and the team's to sever his relationship with the squad
Tony: Well, if you think that's best
Principal: However, and I can't this strong enough, if there is one more infraction of our code, the sentence will be immediately go into effect and Anthony will be expelled
Principal: [Leans forward] do you understand this Anthony?
A.J. Soprano: Yes