The Best Randy Miller Quotes

Narrator: When you come to the end of the line, with a buddy who is more than a brother and a little less than a wife, getting blind drunk together is really the only way to say farewell.

Randy: What's up, babe?
Janet: What's up, Randy, is that your loser arsehole, wife-killing buddy boy here was beating the shit out of Bruce!
Randy: What?
Cliff: Hey, Randy.
Randy: Cliff! What the fuck, man!
Bruce: Let me just say, nobody beat the shit out of Bruce. It was a friendly contest. He barely touched me.

Janet: [to Cliff, angry] Get the wardrobe off, get your shit and get fucked!
Randy: Janet!
Janet: What?
Randy: I will handle this!
Janet: Then fucking handle it, Randy!
Randy: [to Cliff, calmly] Cliff, get the wardrobe off, get your shit and get off the lot.