The Best Renee Victor Quotes

Lupita: I'm sorry about your car.
Celia: Do you know who hit me? Is she one of your maid friends? What's her name?
Lupita: I don't know, we just call each other "maid friend."

Andy: Hey Lupita, settle an argument for us. What do you call the thing between the dick and the asshole?
Lupita: The coffee table.

Miguel: [as Abuelita bangs on the locked door] Mama Coco? Can you hear me? It's Miguel! I, I saw your Papa! Remember? Papa? Please, if you forget him, he'll be gone, forever!
[picking up Hector's guitar]
Miguel: Here, this was his guitar, right? He used to play it to you?
[showing her the photo with Hector's face missing]
Miguel: See? There he is! Papa! Remember? Papa? Mama Coco, *please*, don't forget him!
[Coco just stares blankly; Miguel gets up sadly as the family burst in]
Abuelita: What are you *doing* to that poor woman? It's okay, Mamita...
Papá: [angrily] What's gotten into you?
[seeing Miguel crying, he hugs him]
Papá: I thought I lost you Miguel.
Miguel: I'm sorry Papa.
Mamá: [also hugging Miguel] We're all together now. That's what matters.
Miguel: [miserably] Not all of us.
Abuelita: It's okay, Mamita.
[to Miguel, angrily]
Abuelita: Miguel, you apologize to your Mama Coco!
Miguel: [wiping his eyes] Mama Coco...
[his foot nudges the guitar, he pauses, looking at it]
Abuelita: Well? Apologize!
Miguel: Mama Coco? Your Papa? H-he wanted you to have this.
[he picks up the guitar and begins to play; Abuelita gasps and moves to stop him but Enrique lays a hand on her shoulder]
Papá: Máma, wait.
Miguel: [singing] Remember me... though I have to say goodbye, remember me... don't let it make you cry...
[Coco's hand twitches]
Mamá: Look!
Miguel: [continuing to sing as Coco becomes more alert] For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart... Remember me, though I have to travel far...
[Coco sings]
Miguel,107863: Remember me, each time you hear a sad guitar. Know that I'm with you the only way that I can be... Until you're in my arms again, remember... me...
[Coco smiles at Miguel, then notices Abuelita crying]
Mamá: Elena? What's wrong, Mija?
Abuelita: [happily, through her tears] Nothing, Mama. Nothing at all.

[Repeated line]
Abuelita: [to any musicans; shouts] No Music!

Andy: They want to send me to Iraq, Lupita.
Lupita: Bye.

Lupita: [to Nancy] Your butta don't look right.
Nancy: It's sage.
Lupita: Don't smell like sage.
Nancy: Obviously your menopause has affected your sense of smell.
Lupita: I don't a smell with my couchie.

Miguel: [to Mamá Coco, pointing at each of his cheeks] I have a dimple on this side, but not on this side. Dimple. No dimple. Dimple. No dimple.
Abuelita: Miguel, eat your food! Oh, you're a twig, Mijo! Here, have some more!
[starts piling tamales on his plate]
Miguel: No, gracias.
Abuelita: [sternly] I *asked* if you would like more *tamales*?
Miguel: ...Si?
Abuelita: [cheerfully] That's what I thought you said!

Julio: I reopened the investigations into the murders of your two sons, and I need to ask you some questions.
Regina: Really?
Julio: Yes, ma'am.
Regina: Where are all the other police?
Julio: This is... something that I'm doing on my own time. Let's start with your oldest son, Marco. He was Dante's dad, wasn't he?
Regina: Yes, and the worst father in the world, and a terrible son, but I loved him all the same.
Regina: How do you explain this to people? No one understands.
Julio: I don't need to understand, Ms. Gomez. I just need to arrest the person who killed him.
Julio: Can you fill out a little paperwork for me?
Regina: Okay. Sure.
[holds Sanchez's hands]
Regina: You know... you remind me of Marco a little. I bet you're stubborn, aren't you?
[a tear drops from Sanchez]

Abuelita: [after destroying Miguel's guitar] There! No guitar, no music!
[seeing Miguel in tears, she tries to comfort him]
Abuelita: Oh, come, you'll feel better after you eat with your family.
Miguel: [slapping her hand away angrily] I don't want to BE in this family!
[he runs away]

[repeated line]
Abuelita: No music!

Andy: Hey, Lupita, settle an argument for us, what do you call the thing between the dick and the asshole?
Lupita: The coffee table.

Nancy: Obviously menopause has effected your sense of smell.
Lupita: I don't smell with my coochie.

Miguel: [sings] Remember me, though I have to say goodbye / Remember me, don't let it make you cry /
[Mama Coco's hand starts moving]
Mamá: Look.
Miguel: For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart / I sing a secret song to you, each night we are apart / Remember me, though I have to travel far /
Miguel,107863: Remember me, each time you hear a sad guitar
[Abuleta seeing this realizes how wrong she was for hating music and tears of joy start pouring out of her eyes]
Miguel,107863: / Know that I'm with you, the only way that I can be / Until you're in my arms again, remember me...
[smiles at Miguel and notices her daughter crying]
Mamá: [Sees Elena crying happy tears] Elena? What's wrong mija?
Abuelita: [weeping with joy] Nothing mama,
Abuelita: nothing at all.