The Best Richard Bull Quotes

Dr. Ernestine Waldo: [talking to Dr. Breem on the phone, about Joe and Dr. Considine escaping with the hospital with a pacemaker] You saw them take it?
Dr. Green: Two men. They're here now.
Dr. Ernestine Waldo: I'll get back to you, Doctor.
[hangs up]
Dr. Ernestine Waldo: Pacemaker. They stole the pacemaker. We've wondered why we've heard so little action from Victor Lucas lately. It's his heart. For whom else would they go to such trouble?
[the phone rings]
Colonel: [answers the phone] Yes?
[an indistinct voice talks over the phone]
Colonel: What?
[turns to Dr. Waldo]
Colonel: We've lost them on the radar screen. They must have dropped to tree level.
Dr. Ernestine Waldo: Their course until then?
Colonel: Uh, north by northwest.
Dr. Ernestine Waldo: Well, aren't you going to do something? I went an immediate concentration of aerial reconnaissance on the northeast sectors.
Colonel: [turns back to the phone where the indistinct voice continues] Well, if you heard what she said, then do it!
[hangs up]
Colonel: Well, at least give me credit for one thing.
Dr. Ernestine Waldo: Of course, Albert.
Colonel: I've got a man in their camp right now. He can do more than all your reconnaissance planes.

Edward: The idea of my own death is thoroughly hateful to me. You're smiling. To accept death is supposed to be healthy. Mankind has been taught by religion to walk meekly to the grave. One day he will not do so.
Dr. Laurence: What about overpopulation?
Edward: Doctor, I said that my own death is hateful to me, not yours.