The Best Ryan Robbins Quotes

Eliot: [after finding out he's the rightful ruler of Fillory] Well, *High* King. Makes certain instinctual sense, I guess.
Knifemaker's: [Bows] Your Majesty.
William: Oh, this'll make him easier to live with.

Henry: Great, so basically, we're back at square one. That's awesome.
Nikola: Listen, the Cabal have been planning this move for decades. I've had two days, a crappy lab, and Tiny Tim for an assistant, so please cut me some slack.
Henry: If you think working with you is a party, think again, Vlad!
Nikola: Good, you've finally showed up. Quit your whining and get to work.

Brad: It's like we're two sides of an argument.
Kiera: The genius thing is not to have the argument.

Dr. Helen Magnus: How did you two end up here?
Henry: Well, we were attacked by telepathic Hare Krishnas with ray guns and you?
Dr. Will Zimmerman: Fed by holoprojecting mushroom farmers, took the bus, didn't pay, got arrested
Dr. Helen Magnus: Let's call it even

Declan: [pointing at a locked steel door] Well, can't you just...
Henry: HAP? Through a steel door?
[Declan nods]
Henry: I'm a werewolf, not Superman!

Nikola: [Looking at Adam's face] Son of a bitch!
Henry: Who we got?
Nikola: Well, I guess cockroaches can come back from the dead.
Henry: Who the hell is this guy?
Nikola: Not one person, but two. Prepare to meet Jekyll... And Hyde.

Henry: Okay, women and geeks first. Oh, no, wait, that's all of us.

Henry: Now, I've calibrated it to detect high-frequency sounds, so don't go getting too close to any ambulances... Or Christina Aguilera.
Declan: No worries about that, mate.

Ashley: Henry! Have you had a chance to check out my Nubbins?
Henry: [appears confused] Oh, you mean the... No, but I would like to.
[the creatures turn transparent when Henry approaches]
Ashley: Hey... Oh, guys, come on, there's nothing to be afraid of
Henry: [sneezes] Oh, man, I think I'm allergic.
Ashley: Well, you better get used to them, they're the coolest thing we ever brought back.
[the Nubbins rematerialize]
Henry: Hey... huh, I gotta admit, your nubbins are pretty amazing.
Ashley: Don't you just wanna squeeze them?
Henry: [looks pained]

Henry: How many pubs we been to already?
Dr. Will Zimmerman: Uh... six. No, seven. No... yeah, seven. But, you know, it's all in the name of scientific research, so...
Henry: [in an English accent] Absolutely - and what've we learned so far, William?
Dr. Will Zimmerman: [mimicking Sean Connery] That, uh, "spotted dick" is actually a dessert.

Agent: I say we do a door-to-door canvassing of the neighborhood. Someone's got to have seen or heard something.
Henry: If someone saw something, it would be headline news. Most abnormals are pretty good at staying out of sight.
Agent: Yes, we're dealing with monsters, but the basic tenets of detective work still apply here...
Henry: [Impatiently] Dude!
Agent: Sorry. I said the "M" word. Please don't werewolf on me.
Henry: HAP. Hyper-accele... Never mind. Scan the area. Full spectrum.

Henry: All access pass to Spookville. Comes with a free lunch and a decoder ring.

Dr. Helen Magnus: [about Chernobyl] Many of the survivors of this disaster moved on and had children.
Henry: Yeah, if you can call them that.
Dr. Helen Magnus: Your sensitivity is breathtaking.
Henry: The kid sucks brains!
[Helen sighs]
Henry: Not that I'm being judgmental.

Captain: [Starbucks shoots the marine who is about to execute Lee] Take it from someone who died once. It's no fun. Let him go.
Lt. Hamish 'Skulls' McCall: Frak you!
Captain: [Starbuck immediately shoots Skulls in the shoulder] I can do this all day. Who's next? Racetrack? Connor?
Charlie: Let him go.
[Lee is released by another marine who is holding him]
Lee: All right, we need to get the hell out of here. Kara, now!
Captain: [to the group who were holding Lee] Follow me. Please.

[last lines]
amnesiac: I know why I left. I volunteered.

Brad: You might want to secure the attitude, kid. She just saved your life.
Alec: Who are you any how?
Kiera: Different timeline.