The Best Sam Kreutzer Quotes

Sam: [Sam complains about the crime situation in the city] You know, decent people are going to have to work here and live somewhere else.
Paul: By "decent people," you mean people who can afford to live somewhere else.
Sam: Oh Christ, you are such a bleeding-heart liberal, Paul.
Paul: My heart bleeds a little for the underprivileged, yes.
Sam: The underprivileged are beating our goddamned brains out. You know what I say? Stick them in concentration camps, that's what I say.

Sam: [Paul and Sam listen to a police statement on the news] I'll bet muggings are down, and they're afraid to tell us.
Paul: There's only one way to find out. Take a walk on Columbus Avenue tonight.
Sam: Thanks a lot, Paul. I think I'll wait for the official report.