The Best Samantha Morton Quotes

Mary: Are you a seeker? A seeker after truth?
Newt: I'm more of a chaser, really.

Dejah: You mad fool! You're not from Earth! There are no Gates of Iss! I only told you what you wanted to hear so you'd get us out! Stop! I can't! I cannot marry him!
John: Can't marry who?
Dejah: The Zodanga Jeddak you fought. Sab Than. He offered a truce to my father in exchange for my hand.
John: Your father?
Dejah: Tardos Mors.
Sola: The Jeddak of Helium. She is a princess.
John: A princess of Mars. How about that? A princess who didn't wanna get married, so she ran away.
Dejah: No.
John: Is that all there is to this story?
Dejah: No! I didn't run away! I escaped!
John: From what? His breath? So marry the guy and save your people.
Dejah: A life of oppression, that's not living!
[as she runs to follow them Dejah falls, Carter suddenly turns back and offers to help her up]
Dejah: If you had the means to save others, would you not take any action possible to make it so?
John: No good will come out of me fightin' your war.
Dejah: I would lay down my life for Helium. Yes, I ran away. I was... afraid, weak. Maybe I should have married, but I so feared that it would somehow be the end of Barsoom. I tell you truly, John Carter of Earth, there are no Gates of Iss. They are not real.
John: I'm sorry, princess. But this...
John: [he shows her the medallion that brought him to Barsoom]
John: This is real. And so is my cave of gold.
[he offers his hand to Dejah to help her up which she reluctantly takes]

Sola: Where are you going?
Dejah: To your temple.
Sola: No! No, you cannot enter here! It is forbidden! You are not Thark!
[Dejah and John enter so she follows]
Sola: Dotar Sojat, it is forbidden. It is forbidden!
Dejah: Well, you speak for the goddess. What does she say?
John: [Seeing the engraving on the temple's wall] You called me a thern. Is that what she is?
Sola: No! She is Issus. Therns are holy messengers of the goddess. In the time of oceans they walked among us, guiding us. We must not offend. Let us go!

Agatha: Murder.

Agatha: Think about all the lives that little girl has saved.
Lamar: Think about all the lives that little girl has saved, think about all the lives she will save, that little girl could have saved Sean.
John: [yells] Don't you *ever* say his name!
Arthur: You used the memory of my dead son to set me up.
John: [yells] You used the memory of my dead son to set me up! That was the one thing you knew would drive me to murder.
Dashiell: What are you going to do now, Lamar?
John: [yells] What're you going to do now, Lamar?
Arthur: How are you...
John: ...going to shut me up?
Dashiell: I'm sorry, John.

Agatha: I'm sorry, John, but you're going to have to run again.

John: [to Agatha] Everyday for the last six years I've thought of only two things. The first is what Sean would look like if he were alive today, if I would recognize him if I saw him on the street, the second is what I would do to the man who took him if I ever found him. You're right... I'm not being set up.
Agatha: You have to take me home.
John: No. You said so yourself. There is no minority report, I don't have an alternate future. I am going to kill this man.

Agatha: Is this now?

John: [his face inches from Agatha's] Where's my Minority Report?
[moment's silence]
John: [softly] Do I have one?
Agatha: [whispers] No.

Agatha: [to John Anderton] You still have a choice.

Agatha: Can you see?

Mother: Where is my orange?
Catherine: The markets are emptied. The soldiers have ransacked Florence. People are starving...
Mother: Silence! Come closer. Closer!
Catherine: [grunts] Ow.
Mother: Get me the switch. Do as I say, or you'll have it yourself. Medici bitch, I'll teach you to lie to me.

Agatha: Dr. Hineman once said, "The dead don't die. They look on and help." Remember that, John.
John: Agatha...
Agatha: Sean... He's on the beach now, a toe in the water. He's asking you to come in with him. He's been racing his mother up and down the sand. There's so much love in this house. He's ten years old. He's surrounded by animals. He wants to be a vet. You keep a rabbit for him, a bird and a fox. He's in high school. He likes to run, like his father. He runs the two-mile and the long relay. He's 23. He's at a university. He makes love to a pretty girl named Claire. He asks her to be his wife. He calls here and tells Lara, who cries. He still runs. Across the university and in the stadium, where John watches. Oh God, he's running so fast, just like his daddy. He sees his daddy. He wants to run to him. But he's only six years old, and he can't do it. And the other men are so fast. There was so much love in this house.
John: [sobbing] I want him back so bad.
Agatha: So did she. Can't you see? She just wanted her little girl back. But it was too late. Her little girl was already gone.
John: She's still alive.
Agatha: She didn't die, but she's not alive.
John: Agatha, just tell me, who killed your mother? Who killed Anne Lively?
Agatha: [whispering] I'm sorry John, but you're gonna have to run again.
John: What?

Dejah: [to Tars Tarkas] Jeddak of the Tharks. I am Dejah Thoris, regent of the Royal Helium Academy of Science. My research...
Tars: [Pushes her away to John] Your share of the spoils. Sola, tend to Virginia's property.
Sola: Yes, my Jeddak
[Holds Dejah's arms behind her back]
Dejah: [to Tars Tarkas] You know when Sab Than has conquered us, he will turn his weapon upon you!
Tars: I know that Zodanga has found a way to defeat you. And now you seek a mighty weapon of your own. But Virginia fights for us! He will fight the Torquas in the south. The Warhoons in the north! And he will be called Dotar Sojat! "My right arms"!
John: No. I don't fight for anyone.
Tars: [to John] Virginia. You reject this honor, then I can't guarantee you the safety of your red girl.
John: [Looks at Dejah being held captive by Sola] I am... Dotar Sojat.

Agatha: [to stranger in mall] He knows, don't go home.

John: War's a shameful thing.
Dejah: Not when a noble cause is taken by those who can make a difference. You made a difference today, Virginia.
John: Okay. See, my name is John Carter. Virginia is where I'm from.
Dejah: Where did you learn to jump that way?
John: I don't know. How'd you learn to fly?
Dejah: Your ships cannot sail on light in Virginia?
John: No, professor. See, our ships sail on the seas. Endless water everywhere.
Dejah: [Stares at him then begins to walk around him] Skeleton structure normal...
John: What are you doing?
Dejah: [Continues to study him] It must be the density of your bones.
[Spanks him]
Dejah: Jump for me!
Sola: Enough! There will be time for playfulness later!
Dejah: I want no playfulness from him. I want his help. Explain to me how you do it. If it's a skill, teach it to Helium. Name your price.
John: I'm not for hire. I've got a cave of gold of my own. Somewhere
[Begins to walk away]
Dejah: Only a madman would rave about the times of oceans!
John: Is that your expert's view? I'm mad?
Dejah: Or a liar.
Sola: She's a good match for you, Dotar Sojat.
John: Don't call me that.
Dejah: There are no seas on the planet.
John: You said planet...

John: I claim the right of challenge!
Tal: You have no right to challenge! You are not Thark!
Tars: He is Thark! He is Dotar Sojat!
Sola: Dotar Sojat! Dotar Sojat! Dotar Sojat!
[the crowd of Tharks start to chanting Dotar Sojat, Tal Hajus leaps towards Carter and as Carter leaps up he kills Tal Hajus in mid-air with his sword]

Sola: [as they follow Dejah who is supposed to be taking them to the river Iss] Dotar Sojat. Carter! I do not think she leads us to the Iss.
John: Alright then, Sola. Just play along.
John: [Carter rides his lizard-horse creature closer to Dejah and suddenly grabs her rains] What do you think I'd do once I saw your city and not some river?
Dejah: What do you mean?
Sola: Cloras Anthorea, they should be at our backs by now. You lead us toward Helium!
Dejah: Once we reach there, you would see for yourself the virtue of our cause.
Dejah: Everyone thinks their cause is virtuous, professor.
[suddenly he grabs her stuff and throws her off her lizard-horse creature and he and Sola take off leaving her behind]
Dejah: What are you doing? No! John Carter! You can't!
Sola: [as they pretend to leave her] I like this plan better.
John: Just wait. She'll come around.

John: [as they are pursued by the Thark tribe, Carter touches Dejah's hand and has flashback to coming home after the war to find his home burned with his wife and his daughter inside]
Sola: Dotar Sojat!
Dejah: What are you doing?
John: [he jumps off the lizard-horse creature] Sola, get her out of here.
Dejah: No! Carter!
John: I was too late once. I won't be again.
Dejah: No! No! No! No!
[Carter tries to force Woola to flee with the women, but Woola remains, as the Thark tribe reach him, Carter leaps in the air and onto the warriors, with each slash of his sword he flashbacks to burying his wife and daughter and placing his wife's wedding ring on his hand, then the Tharks begin to overwhelm him and Carter disappears under a pile of Thark warriors]