The Best Sanderson Quotes

Sanderson: So where did they find you?
Grimes: Behind a desk.
[Sanderson laughs]
Grimes: No really.

Steele: Sergeant, what's the meaning of this?
[Thinking he's talking about the unauthorized pig picking]
"Hoot": Just a little aerial target practice, sir. Didn't want to leave 'em behind.
Steele: I'm talking about your weapon, soldier. Now Delta or no-Delta, that's still a hot weapon. Your safety should be on at all times.
"Hoot": This is my safety, sir.
[He holds up his index finger and bends motions as if squeezing a trigger and then walks off]
Sanderson: Let it alone, sir. He hasn't eaten in a few days.

Steele: What's this Sargn't? Another taxpayer-funded Delta safari?
Sanderson: Not if General Garrison's askin'.
Steele: No, I'm askin'.
Sanderson: Have a nice meal, captain.

Steele: What the fuck are you doing out there?
Sanderson: Doing my job! We got to get to that crash site! We got to get on that street, and we got to move! And you have got to keep up, sir!
Steele: Don't you ever give me orders, Sergeant! We are combat ineffective, you understand me? We got too many wounded to move!
Sanderson: Then give me some shooters and I'll circle us to the bird.
Steele: Grimes! You're with Chalk Four?
Grimes: Yes, sir!
Steele: All right, hook up with Delta! Rejoin with Sergeant Eversmann. The rest of you, secure this position! Treat the wounded. We'll wait for the convoy! Then we'll rally at the crash site.
Sanderson: My guys, let's go!

[after an explosion]
Sanderson: Are you alright?
Grimes: Yeah, I can hear bells ringin'!