The Best Sarah Smyth Quotes

Lydia: You're insane! He is not Agent Liberty!
Manchester: Do you bet your life on that, Lydia?
[tossing the bayonet back into its case]
Manchester: Somewhere in your perfect little house, there is a silly costume he puts on to go do terrorism.
[kneeling in front of Ben on the floor]
Manchester: Show me that mask.

Ben: Sorry it took so long. It was a zoo, but I got everything. I got the sweet potatoes, I got the rolls, and I... think I got the allspice.
Lydia: My hero.

Ben: Are you safe?
Lydia: We're fine, but your dad.
Ben: Why? What about him?
Lydia: I can't reach him. I don't know where he is.
Ben: I think I have an idea.

Lydia: You're a good man, Ben Lockwood.
Ben: You're not so bad yourself.

Lydia: Well, I have some good news. It looks like we're gonna be able to make our mortgage payment again this month.
Ben: Oh, well, when you sign up for "richer or for poorer", you kinda hope it's not alway for poorer.
Lydia: Is it "for poorer"? Isn't it just "for poor"?
Ben: You know, I don't remember. I wasn't actually paying attention.

Ben: Don't look so troubled, son.
George: Why not? You're locked up, and you're the only one who's brave enough to stand up for humanity.
Lydia: It isn't right.
Ben: Listen, the movement that was created, I have to believe will create the circumstances of my release.
George: But... I wanna do something for you, now.
Ben: Well, then be a man. A man of action. Be the man that your grandfather wanted me to be, but at your age.

Manchester: So, I decided to ditch the city for the afternoon and pay a visit to old Benjamin. Kill two birds with one stone, as it were.
Lydia: Well, I think it's very thoughtful of you to come all the way here in person to thank him.
Manchester: Oh, how could I not, after what he did? I'm talking about the gift, man.
Ben: The gift. Yes, of course, the gift.
Lydia: What gift?
Manchester: The wedding gift. A great big set of knives for me and my fiancée. Fiona.
[noticing Ben react]
Manchester: You all right there, Benjamin?

Kira: [snidely to Sarah] So, tell me. How does one go about getting into Spencer from a public?

Manchester: [kicking Ben on the ground] Come on, get up.
Lydia: [crying] Ben.
Manchester: All dressed up for his funeral.
Agent: [catching his foot] When this is over, they're gonna need dental records to ID your body.
Manchester: [drawing his gun as Liberty gets up] Stand back, stand back. It could be a lot worse. We could go biblical, eye for an eye. You killed Fiona, I kill her.
[aiming his gun at Lydia]
Manchester: You feel that? That's what it's like when you're about to lose everything.

Ben: I think maybe we should leave.
Lydia: Leave? This is our home.
Ben: Yeah, it is, but it's quickly running out of food and water.
Lydia: There is nowhere for us to go. The Daxamites have set up checkpoints.
Ben: Okay, well, then we drive as far as we can, maybe we can sneak around the checkpoints, get to Coast City, but we have to try something.
Peter: [entering] Try something? Yeah. No, how about we try this? How about we... we stay and we fight for what's ours? This is our home, Ben. We're not refugees.
George: [entering behind Peter] Dad, just wait here. Supergirl will come and save us.
Ben: No. No, she won't, because Supergirl is an alien just like the invaders. And fight, dad? Fight with what? Because all we have is right here, but you know what? That's okay, because we are a family. And we can come together as a family. So, dad, you and Georgie get the bags. Lydia, ready the car. I'll get the supplies.
[seeing his father is reluctant]
Ben: Hey, listen. We can do this.

Ben: Okay, you want me, you got me. Just... just let her go.
Manchester: But she's the guest of honor. Now, play nice. Go on. Easy, easy.
Ben: [returning to the kitchen] Hey, Lydia, you mind grabbing some more tea? I think Manchester's gonna stay just a little bit longer.
Lydia: Oh. Yeah, sure.
Manchester: Say anything, and she dies screaming.

Ben: What are you doing home?
Peter: I shut it down.
Ben: Oh, not another blaster.
George: Whole factory.
Ben: What?
Lydia: He went to the bank for the loan. They said no.
Peter: Hell with them and everyone else.
Ben: Oh, god, dad, uh... I am so sorry.
Peter: Spare me. This is what happens when you're too soft, when you don't stand up and fight.
Ben: Fight... dad, fight who?
Peter: You know who.
George: The roaches.
Ben: George!
George: Sorry.

Lydia: I know that crease in your brow. Sweetie, tell me what's wrong.
George: It... it's just, uh... do-do you ever wonder about, um... like... dad's policies? You know, like maybe we're... we're doing this wrong?
Lydia: Of course not, George. Your dad is saving this country. And the raid at the bar didn't go as planned, but you helped smoke those roaches out of their hole, and your father is so proud of you.

Peter: Show that speech over and over again like it was the Gettysburg Address. Project Maniac was weeks ago.
Lydia: It's "Myriad".
Peter: Oh, that's right. Project Myriad. Stupid name. And who was responsible? Other roaches from her home planet.
Lydia: Pete, we don't talk like that in this house.
George: No, it-it's fine. I hear it at school sometimes.
Peter: W-w-what's the problem? Just saying that, you know, aliens are resilient like cockroaches. You know, a planet may die, but they survive and infest someone else's.
Ben: Dad!
Peter: What? Supergirl's family invades our planet with the power of gods. And all us little people are just supposed to sit back, relax, and have hope? Is that it? Meanwhile, our president offers them all amnesty? Amnesty. So, you tell me, Georgie, how deep does this conspiracy go?

Sean: Most were surprised by this Children of Liberty manifesto. However, former history professor Ben Lockwood had a little more foresight. Take a look.
Lydia: Did you know about this?
Ben: [on TV] Throughout history, the downtrodden have found ways to make their voices heard before the mainstream forgets about them. But the irony in this case is that the mainstream, humanity, are the downtrodden.

Manchester: [Ben reveals his Agent Liberty suit to Lydia] Got words for him? He's a killer, you know. Murdered the love of my whole, wasted life.
Lydia: Please tell me this isn't true.
Ben: I'm so sorry. I... It was done, it was finished. I was gonna stop.
Manchester: Put the suit on.
Ben: What?
Manchester: I want you to die doing what you love.
Lydia: [crying] No! Please, no!
Manchester: NOW!

Ben: Okay, so what have we got? This is maybe a week of food, maybe two if we ration it.
Lydia: Yeah, but we're running out of water. We have three, maybe four days.
Ben: Didn't we fill the tub?
Lydia: Yes.

Lydia: There he is. Ben, your friend is here from the university. Manchester Black.
Manchester: Thought I'd pop by and say hello.

Manchester: What's that?
Lydia: Oh, Ben's great-great-great-grandfather made those.
Ben: Yeah. Uh, he was a blacksmith. That bayonet is the... well, it's one of the first things the Lockwoods ever forged. It's from the American Revolution.
Manchester: Is it, really? Can I?
[removing it from its case]
Manchester: So...
Ben: You know, it's from Bunker Hill. Remember that one? It's the one where the Brits, uh, thought they had won, but the battle ended up so bloody that it cost them the war, and it wasn't worth it.
Manchester: Oh, bloody is right. I mean, can you imagine sticking this into a bloke and then twisting it in his guts?
Lydia: That's...
Manchester: Graphic.
Manchester: It is. Lockwood. It's a fine piece. You ever wish your husband was a steel man, Lydia?
Ben: Stop it.
Manchester: Of course, that's not really the family business anymore, is it? Now you lot just dress up in wicked metal masks. Isn't that right... Agent Liberty?