The Best Shoat Quotes

Martin: [to Shaughnessy in court] It's confusing to me because I have document here from your office that says last year Michael O'Donnell spoke to the supervisor of that unit over a period of two weeks explaining to him - in graphic detail - of the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of Archbishop Rushman. Isn't it also true, Mr. State's attorney, that your "friend" Archbishop Rushman was not going to stand trial for any of it? He owed you big time. You must've been very pissed off when he pulled out of the South River construction deal. What happened? He finally said "I can't take it anymore" and you said "no". You and your investors had sixty millions reasons to kill him!
Janet: Objection!
Judge: Sustained! You're out of order, Mr. Vail!
Martin: [whispering under his breath] Just like what you and your "associates" did in killing Joey Pinero just yesterday!
John: [whispering to Vail] You son of a bitch!

Judge: [in her chambers] If you think you're going to my courtroom to wage personal vendettas and settle old scores, you are sorely mistaken! I'm striking Shaughnessy's testimony from the record as irrelevant and I'm holding you in contempt in the amount of ten thousand dollars!
Martin: So... what you're telling me is I can't get a fair trial in your courtroom? You're also in league with Shaughnessy and the entire city counsel at covering all this up?
Judge: Be very careful what you say in here, Mr. Vail! You're on dangerous ground here!
Martin: Fine! Do you want me to make that check out to you judge?

Janet: No further questions, your honor.
Roy: ['Roy' emerges] Where the hell do you think you're going?
Janet: Excuse me?
Roy: Hey, you look at me when I'm talkin' to you, bitch!
Judge: Mr. Stampler!
Roy: Fuck you, lady! Come here!
[Roy jumps over the witness stand and grabs Janet and punches Marty]
Judge: Bailiff!
Roy: You wanna play rough, let's play rough. Come on, lets play rough!
[Bailiff and secruity slowly walk toward Roy]
Roy: Yeah, keep comin' closer asshole! Don't think I won't break her fuckin' neck!
Martin: [approaching Aaron slowly with the other bailiffs] Come on, I got...
Roy: Fuck you, Marty! I'm walkin' outta slowly. Really slow.

Judge: [to Marty Vail] You are making a mockery of my courtroom and I'm not going to allow it! I suggest you start representing your client and stop representing yourself!