20 Best Song Kang-ho Quotes

Ki: Acting is one thing. But this family is so gullible, right?
Chung: Especially the Madame.
Ki: You said it. She's so naive and nice. She's rich but she's still nice.
Chung: Not "Rich but still nice." Nice because she's rich, you know? Hell, if I had all this money, I'd be nice too!

Edgar: Uh, hi. Hi. Excuse me, sorry to bother you there. Could I get you a glass of water, or something, to speed this up?
Namgoong: [Nam ignores him. Edgar gets irritated]
Edgar: Listen, would you get on with it, man? You're keeping us all fucking waiting!
Namgoong: [through the language translator] Am I?
Edgar: Yeah, you are. Although you've been fucking smelling that flammable shite, that time is probably a distant fucking concept for you, isn't it?
Namgoong: Of course. I am only doing this for the Kronole.
Edgar: Here we go again. Kronole this, Kronole that. Christ almighty, man, do some fucking work.
Namgoong: You're the one who keeps giving it to me.
Edgar: Are you a bit thick? That's what you asked for each time you opened the gate.

Namgoong: [in Korean, puffing a cigarette] Want one? I won't waste it on a prick like you.
Curtis: I'm gonna make this real simple for you. You help us, you get your drug. If not, we put you back where we found you. What'll it be, asshole?

Detective: What kind of detective sleeps well?

Detective: Fuck, I don't know.

Detective: There's a reason people say I have a shaman's eyes.

Park: What?
[Detective Seo kicks Hyeon-gyu and drags him to the train tracks]
Detective: Get up, you bastard! You fucker! Get up, you fucker! Are you human?
[Detective Seo knocks Hyeon-gyu to the ground and takes out a gun]
Detective: Nobody will care if I kill you. Tell me! Tell me you killed them! Tell me! You killed all those women!
[Detective Seo kicks Hyeon-gyu on the ground]
Park: Yeah. I killed them. I killed them all. That's what you want to hear, right? Right? You feel better?
[Detective Park comes running as Hyeon-gyu knocks detective Seo's gun away]
Detective: Inspector Seo! The papers from America! Read them!
Detective: [to Hyeon-gyu] You asshole! You fucker!
Detective: You mocked us, didn't you! You bastard! You mocked us!
[Detective Seo reads the report and looks shocked]
Detective: What's wrong?
Detective: There's a mistake. This document is a lie. I don't need it.
Detective: What does it say, huh?
[Detective Park reads the report and picks Hyeon-gyu from the ground]
Detective: It really wasn't you? Look in my eyes. Look in my eyes! Fuck, I don't know. Do you get up each morning too? Go! Just go, fucker!
Park: Bastard.
[a train separates the two parties. As Hyeon-gyu is running away, detective Seo shoots at him but misses]
Detective: That's enough.

Ki: [to his son] You know what kind of plan never fails? No plan. No plan at all. You know why? Because life cannot be planned. Look around you. Did you think these people made a plan to sleep in the sports hall with you? But here we are now, sleeping together on the floor. So, there's no need for a plan. You can't go wrong with no plans. We don't need to make a plan for anything. It doesn't matter what will happen next. Even if the country gets destroyed or sold out, nobody cares. Got it?

Ki: They are rich but still nice.
Chung: They are nice because they are rich.

Kim: [about Moon-gwang] She may look like a sheep, but inside, she's a fox. Sometimes she acts like she owns the house.
Kim: Right. Of all the people in that house, she's lived there the longest. She was housekeeper to the architect Namgoong, but then she went on to work for this family. When the architect moved out, he introduced this woman to Park's family, telling them, "This is a great housekeeper, you should hire her".
Chung: So she survived a change of ownership.
Kim: She won't give up such a good job easily.
Kim: To extract a woman like that, we need to prepare well.
Kim: Right, we need a plan.
Park: [cut to a scene with Ki-woo and Da-hye] I want to eat peaches. I like peaches best.
Kim: Why not ask for some?
Park: No peaches at our house. It's a forbidden fruit.
Kim: [cut back to the Kims; referring to Moon-gwang] So according to what Da-hye told me, she's got a pretty serious allergy to peaches. You know that fuzz on the peach skin? If she's anywhere near it, she gets a full body rash, has trouble breathing, asthma, a total meltdown!
[Moon-gwang falls sick after Ki-woo puts peach fuzz on her]
Ki: Anyway. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but her words came through clearly! So I couldn't help but...
Kim: Cut, cut! Dad, your emotions are up to here. Bring them down to about there.
Ki: So I couldn't help but overhear...
Kim: Keep it focused!
Ki: [to Mrs. Park] What I'm trying to say is... it's just that, your housekeeper's voice is quite loud, you know?
Park: I understand, it's all right. Just tell me, okay?
Ki: She said she got diagnosed with active tuberculosis and she was practically shouting over the phone, so upset she could barely control herself!
Park: Tuberculosis? Come on...
Ki: It's true, she phoned someone saying she had active TB.
Kim: Do people still get TB?
Kim: [cut back to the Kims] Dad, back in the day, people used to buy Christmas Seals, right? Feels like a bygone era.
Ki: [cut back to Ki-taek and Mrs. Park] But I saw it on the internet. Korea has the #1 rate of TB of all the OECD countries.
Kim: [cut back to the Kims] But she's still working, as if nothing's wrong - with a kid like Da-song in the house.
Ki: [cut back to Ki-taek and Mrs. Park] So you've got a young kid like Da-song in the house, and a TB patient is doing dishes, cooking, spraying spittle...
Park: Stop it, please!
[cut to the Kims putting peach fuzz on Moon-gwang, causing her to fall sick again, and Ki-taek using chili sauce to fake Moon-gwang's blood]

Ki: [message to Ki-woo] Perhaps you, if no one else, will be able to read this. You were a Scout, so I'm writing this just in case. Have your injuries healed? I'm sure your mother is plenty healthy. I'm doing fine in here. Though thinking of Ki-jung makes me cry. Even now, what happened that day doesn't seem real. It feels like a dream, and yet it doesn't. That day as I went out the gate, I suddenly knew where I needed to go. A house where such a grisly thing took place would surely not be easy to sell. I've struggled to hold on in this empty house. Still, thanks to the house being empty - what was her name, Moon-gwang? - I was able to give her a proper send off. I hear treeside burials are trendy. So hell, I did my best. Those real estate sharks sure are clever. They duped some people who had just arrived in Korea and managed to sell the house. With the parents working and the kids attending school, the family is usually out. But the damned housekeeper stays here 24 hours a day. Each time I go upstairs, I take my life into my hands. And it turns out Germans eat more than just sausage and beer. What a relief. Passing the time down here, everything starts to go hazy. Today at least, I was able to write you this letter. If I send out the letter this way every night, maybe someday you'll see it. So long.

Detective: Chief, I may know nothing else, but my eyes can read people. That's how I survive as a detective, and why people say I have shaman's eyes.

Detective: Do you get up each morning too?

[last lines]
Detective: Did you see his face?
[Girl Nods]
Detective: What did he look like?
Schoolgirl: Well... kind of plain.
Detective: In what way?
Schoolgirl: Just... ordinary

Namgoong: [in Korean] You know what I really want? I want to open the gate... but not this gate. That one. The gate to the outside world. It's been frozen shut for 18 years. You might take it as a wall. But it's a fucking gate. Let's open it and just get the hell out.
Curtis: And freeze to death? What are you, fucking crazy?
Namgoong: What if we don't? What if we could survive outside? Remember the Yekaterina Bridge? When your guys were getting chopped up? There's something I look at every New Year. A crashed airplane under the snow. All I saw ten years ago was just the tail. Now the body and wings are peeking out. Less ice and snow means... it's melting. The type of snow that's about to melt. A little push and it all falls down.

Detective: Once this dries, the stain will form the shape of the murderer's face.

Ki: Rich people are naive. No resentments. No creases on them.
Chung: It all gets ironed out. Money is an iron. Those creases all get smoothed out by money.

Man: There's something in the vagina... Looks like a peach... Nine pieces.
Detective: Do you see this kind of thing in Seoul often?

Curtis: You gotta take it easy on that Kronole. Snorting that flammable shit's gonna fry your brain.
Namgoong: [in Korean] That's exactly right. Think of what Kronole is.
[crumbling it up, then packing it together]
Namgoong: This fucking flammable industrial waste. Light it up, and boom. It's a bomb, you idiot.
[sticking a fuse into it]
Namgoong: I didn't stock this shit for years just to get high.

[after hearing Kim Jong-un fart loudly on Korean TV]
Soldier Watching the Interview: [in Korean] He's no God! He has a butt-hole!
Guard: [in Korean] How dare you talk about Supreme Leader that way!
[they fight]