The Best Stanley Sugerman Quotes

Stanley: Guys in their 50's don't have dreams, they have nightmares... and eczema.

Stanley: Your mom's not a whore, by the way.
Bo: Thank you.
Stanley: Yeah, whores get paid. She gives that fat ass out for free.

Stanley: I'll say one last inspirational thing to you: they can't kill you if you're already dead.

Stanley: Mi nombre Stanley Sugarman.

Stanley: [to Bo] Do you love this game? I mean, love it with your whole heart. Because if you don't, let's not even bother. Let's not open that door. They're just going to slam it in our face. I love this game. I live this game. There's a thousand other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game. Obsession is going to beat talent every time. You got all the talent in the world, but are you obsessed? Let's face it. It's you against you out there. When you walk on that court, you have to think, "I am the best guy out there". So let me ask you again. Do you love this game?