The Best Sugar Bates Quotes

Kai: If any of my employees ever stepped out of line, hassled you in any way, I'd expect you to call me. What I mean is I wouldn't want you to take matters into your own hands.
Sugar: Look at me. Nobody runs from a fight faster than an old fighter.

Sugar: Where would we be without women to fuck us up.

Sugar: [Series Closing Dialogue] I was just remembering the first time you walked in here. I never could have imagined. You know, some might say you weren't all that bad at that whole sheriff thing.
Lucas: Yeah, and other people might say I was the worst fucking thing that ever happened to this town.
Sugar: Putting that badge on the way you did, I never thought you'd be walking out of here on your own two feet.
Lucas: Neither did I. You know, I probably wouldn't if it wasn't for you.
Sugar: You know you hid up on that mountain because you felt the need to atone for something. And for all we know, you'd still be there if Brock hadn't come and pulled you down. We are cons. We're made to believe that you pay for your sins by getting locked up. But maybe the way to redemption isn't hiding on the mountain. Maybe it's about choosing another road down here with the rest of us.
Lucas: Maybe.
Sugar: The past has kept you locked up long enough. Today there's really only one question left to ask yourself. What are you going to do now?

Sugar: [looking at three dead bodies, & a recently released ex-convict, in his bar] It's what you call in the bible "a clusterfuck of epic proportions"

Sugar: What would we be without our secrets.

Sugar: Some people... you can know them, before you know about them.