The Best Sylvia Fallon Quotes

Jack: How old was Alexis when you became her stepmother? Was she still in diapers?
Sylvia: Yes, she was only two.
Jack: Did you ever hear the defendant tell her only bad girls soil their diapers?
Sylvia: You don't understand. From the outside it may look strange, but Bill just worked miracles with the girls.
Jack: In what way?
Sylvia: [stammers] Well... well, when Susan was four, she learned to tie her shoelaces in one afternoon. How many children do that?
Jack: How was this miracle accomplished?
Sylvia: She sat there for hours, tying and retying the laces until her little fingers made it work.
Jack: A four year old? Why? Did Mr.Fallon tell her that Daddy wouldn't love her anymore if she couldn't do it right by sundown?
Sylvia: Both girls were intent on pleasing their father.
Jack: I'll bet they were. Did the bow have to be exactly on center? Did the loops have to be exactly equal?
Professor Norman Rothenberg: Your Honor...
Judge: Mr. McCoy, let's move it along.
Jack: Why haven't you and your husband ever had children?
Sylvia: We discussed it and decided against it.
Jack: It was a mutual decision? You really don't want to have children of your own?
Sylvia: Bill thought two was enough.
Jack: What did you think?
Sylvia: In our family we leave the important decisions to the person who is best equipped to make them.
Jack: I see. How long has it been since you saw your parents?
Sylvia: I don't know. Quite a while. Bill doesn't like me to be away.
Jack: Do you hear yourself? Bill thinks, Bill wants, Bill needs. Do you think this man has ever asked himself once what you want, what you need?
Sylvia: There has to be a final authority, Mr. McCoy.
Jack: Are you saying that the defendant had total control of his family, Mrs. Fallon? Did the defendant constantly tell his children they were bad, they were stupid? Did he continually terrify them with a threat to withhold his love if they didn't meet his insane expectations? Did William Fallon terrorize his children, day after day, year after year, until they could no longer tell where he left off and they began?
Sylvia: Yes!
Nick: You stupid cow!

Sylvia: We have to meet him at the Palm Court at 4:00. He wouldn't like us to be late.
A.D.A. Abbie Carmichael: So you're late. Then what, he starts rearranging the teacups?

Jack: Did William Fallon terrorize those girls by threatening to withhold his love for them if they didn't do exactly what he wanted?
Sylvia: Yes.
Nick: You stupid cow!
Judge: Mr. Fallon!
Nick: Judge, you can't do this. The only reason I married her is so my children would have a mother.

Jack: Do you work outside the home?
Sylvia: I know it's old-fashioned, but I believe if there are children, the wife should be home for them. Children are a precious gift.
Jack: Who handles the discipline, you or your husband?
Sylvia: He does.
Jack: Who takes care of the finances? Who deals with the workman, the electricians, the plumbers?
Sylvia: Bill.
Jack: Over the years, who took your children to school?
Sylvia: Mmm, he did.
Jack: Who took them shopping for clothes and toys?
Sylvia: Bill.
Jack: What exactly is your function in the family, Mrs. Fallon? To fold the towels?
[Mrs. Fallon pauses and looks at her husband]
Jack: Your husband can't tell you what to say right now.