The Best T'Chaka Quotes

King: What is wrong, my son?
T'Challa: I am not ready, Baba.
King: Have you not prepared to be king your whole life? Have you not trained and studied, been by my side?
T'Challa: That is not what I am talking about. I am not ready to be without you.
King: A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father. Have I ever failed you?
King: Never.

King: [to T'Challa] You're a good man with a good heart. And it's hard for a good man to be king.

King: [to his brother] Did you think you were the only spy we sent to the States?
[Zuri reveals himself]

T'Chaka: No treasure is worth as much as the good that can be done with it.