The Best Taya Quotes

Taya: If you think that this war isn't changing you you're wrong. You can only circle the flames so long.

Taya: You're my husband, you're the father of my children. Even when you're here, you're not here. I see you, I feel you, but you're not here.

Taya: Did you always want to be a soldier?
Chris: I wanted to be a cowboy, but I did that and felt I needed something more.
Taya: So you decided to rescue girls from bars?
Chris: I think I rescued the bar from you.

Taya: I need you... to be human again. I need you here.

Chris: [to his pregnant wife] You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Taya: I have an alien growing inside of me.

Taya: [from trailer]
[to Chris]
Taya: Have I ever told you that I'm so proud of you?
[she lovingly caresses Chris' face]
Taya: You're such a great father...

Chris: I'm not redneck; I'm Texan!
Taya: What's the difference?
Chris: We ride horses, they ride their cousins.

Taya: Hello?
Chris: Baby?
Taya: Baby I can't hear you!
Chris: I'm ready. I'm ready to come home. I'm ready to come home baby!