The Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Season 4, Episode 22 Quotes

[first lines]
Leonardo: Honor. Integrity. Bushido. These were the ideals that drove Master Splinter's beloved master, Hamato Yoshi. He had traveled far to reach this castle fortress only to find four Foot elite warriors barring his way. But four or four hundred, it mattered not. For on this particular night, Yoshi was driven by a powerful force unfamiliar to him: hatred. Hatred that burned so bright it threatened to destroy him. Hatred born out of the need for revenge.

Hamato: Mashimi! I challenge you to a duel, assassin!
Yukio: A duel? HA! You have ignorantly stepped into the dragon's den, Yoshi. I have no need to fight you alone. We outnumber you!
The: You are mistaken Yukio Mashimi. You stand alone. Defeat Hamato Yoshi and I will forgive our humiliating retreat from the Utrom base. Only if you defeat Yoshi will I let you live.
Yukio: As you wish, master.

Splinter: The fabric of fate weaves an endless interconnected pattern in which we are all just threads.