The Best The Golden Girls, Season 3, Episode 7 Quotes

Sophia: [Sophia has reservations about the City Council candidate Dorothy is supporting] He's a wimp, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Oh, ma. For your information, Gil Kessler is a very bright man, an honest and devoted civic leader... and probably the biggest wimp I've ever known in my life.
Sophia: That's not all. There's something else I don't like about him.
Dorothy: What?
Sophia: I don't know. It's a hunch. I can't put my finger on it. But if I could, I would have to wash it.

Blanche: My backside is spread all across the front page! How could they do that?
Sophia: They probably used a wide-angle lens.

Rose: [reading the morning paper] They caught Gil Kessler having an affair.
Dorothy: [assuming it's a joke] Oh, you're kidding. With whom?
Rose: Well, they don't know her name, but look, they hid in the bushes and took this picture of her from behind going into his house.
Dorothy: I don't believe th... wait a minute, that looks like Blanche's red dress.
Sophia: And those look like Blanche's red shoes.
Dorothy: And aren't they her diamond earrings and gold bracelet?
Rose: [outraged] That little floozie stole Blanche's clothes!
Dorothy: It's like having Agatha Christie right here in our kitchen! Rose, Blanche *is* that little floozie!
Rose: You... you mean he...
Sophia: She's at the fifty.
Rose: They...
Sophia: The forty.
Rose: She...
Sophia: The thirty.
Rose: [Blanche walks in] Blanche, it's *you*!
Blanche: [mocking] Oh, you're getting so good at that, Rose, now who's that over there?

Rose: [a local politician reveals a long-held secret] I'm still confused about the operation Gil Kessler had. Is the man asleep during it?
Dorothy: [wearily] I think so, Rose.
Rose: And what about the parts they put on. Do they test them first?
Dorothy: [mocking] Of course, Rose, like windshield wipers.
Rose: So they work?
Dorothy: I assume so, yes.
Rose: What are they made of?
Dorothy: [exasperated] Silly Putty, Rose!

[the phone rings]
Blanche: Hello? Yes, this is Blanche and how did you get this number? And better yet, why am I even talking to you? I don't like you. Matter of fact I hate you. You can just tear up my number and then go climb back under your slimy rock with all the rest of your slimy friends! And don't you EVER call here again!
[slams the phone down]
Blanche: Dorothy, call Stan.