30 Best The Sundance Kid Quotes

Butch: How many are following us?
Sundance: All of 'em.
Butch: All of 'em? What's the matter with those guys?

[performing their first robbery in Bolivia]
Butch: [spanish] Manos a... Manos, um...
[Butch pulls out a card that helps him remember his words]
Butch: Manos arriba!
Sundance: They got 'em up! Skip on down.
Butch: Arriba!
Sundance: Skip on down!
Butch: Todos ustedes "arrismense" a la pared.
Sundance: They're against the wall already!
Butch: Donde... Ah, you're so damn smart, You read it!

Sundance: Which way?
Butch: It doesn't matter. I don't know where we've been and I've just been there.

[Butch and Sundance are under fire from unseen Bolivian policemen]
Butch: What do you think? I'll bet it's just one guy.
[the Sundance Kid takes off his hat and holds it outward which is immediately shot out of his hand by at least five gunshots]
Sundance: Don't you get sick of being right all the time?

[last lines]
Butch: Ready? OK, when we get outside and we get to the horses, whatever happens, just remember one thing... hey, wait a minute.
Sundance: What?
Butch: You didn't see Lefors out there, did you?
Sundance: Lefors? No.
Butch: Oh, good. For a moment there I thought we were in trouble.
[They both run out of the building, only to be met with gunfire from all sides from the Bolivian army]
Bolivian: ¡Fuego!
[a volley of shots is heard]
Bolivian: ¡Fuego!
[another gun volley]
Bolivian: ¡Fuego!

Sundance: Look out there!
Butch: What?
Sundance: Remember a few years ago when we were at a saloon in Denver? We got to talking to some gambler that night, and he told us about an Indian. A full-blooded Indian, except he called himself by an English name. Sir... somebody.
Butch: Lord Baltimore?
Sundance: Lord Baltimore, that's right, and he could track anybody, over anything, day or night.
Butch: So?
Sundance: The guy on the ground. I think it's him.
Butch: No, Baltimore works out of Oklahoma. He's strictly an Oklahoma man. I don't know where we are, but it sure as Hell isn't Oklahoma. No, it couldn't be him. Couldn't be him.
Sundance: I guess.

Butch: Who's the best lawman?
Sundance: The best, how? You mean toughest? Or easiest to bribe?
Butch: Toughest.
Sundance: Joe Lefors.
Butch: Got to be.
Sundance: Lefors never leaves Wyoming, never. You know that.
Butch: He always wears a white skimmer. That's how you tell it's Joe Lefors, 'cause he always wears a white straw hat. Look at that guy out front.
[Butch and Sundance start running]
Butch: Who are those guys?

Butch: You know, when I was a kid, I always thought I'd grow up to be a hero.
Sundance: Well, it's too late now.
Butch: What'd you say that for? You didn't have to say something like that.

Butch: Well, the way I figure it, we can either fight or give. If we give, we go to jail.
Sundance: I've been there already.
Butch: We could fight - they'll stay right where they are and starve us out. Or go for position, shoot us. Might even get a rock slide started, get us that way. What else can they do?
Sundance: They could surrender to us, but I wouldn't count on that.

[repeated line]
Sundance: I wasn't cheating.

Butch: Ah, you're wasting your time. They can't track us over rocks.
Sundance: Tell them that.
Butch: [after looking for himself] They're beginning to get on my nerves. Who are those guys?

Sundance: What I'm saying is, if you want to go, I won't stop you. But the minute you start to whine or make a nuisance, I don't care where we are, I'm dumping you flat.
Butch: Don't sugarcoat it like that, Kid. Tell her straight.
Etta: I'm 26, and I'm single, and a school teacher, and that's the bottom of the pit. And the only excitement I've known is here with me now. I'll go with you, and I won't whine, and I'll sew your socks, and I'll stitch you when you're wounded, and I'll do anything you ask of me except one thing. I won't watch you die. I'll miss that scene if you don't mind.

Butch: Well, that ought to do it.
[after blowing the train car to smithereens]
Sundance: Think ya used enough dynamite there, Butch?

Sundance: It's your great ideas that got us into this mess. I never want to hear another one of your great ideas. Ever!
Butch: Australia. I thought that secretly you wanted to know so I told you.
Sundance: That's your great idea?
Butch: The latest in a long line. We get out of here alive, we go to Australia. Goodbye, Bolivia. Hello to Australia.
Sundance: Australia is no better than here.
Butch: That's all you know.
Sundance: Name me one thing.
Butch: They speak English in Australia.
Sundance: They do?
Butch: That's right, smart guy, so we wouldn't be foreigners. We'd blend in more easily. They got horses in Australia and thousands of miles of countryside that we can hide out in, and good climate. Nice beaches. You can learn to swim.
Sundance: No. Swimming isn't important. What about the banks?
Butch: Very easy. Easy, ripe, and luscious.
Sundance: The banks or the women?
Butch: Well, once you get one you get the other.
Sundance: But... Australia is quite a long way from here.
Butch: Oh, please! Everything with you has got to be perfect!
Sundance: I just don't want to get there and realize that it stinks, that's all.
Butch: At least think about it.
Sundance: All right... I'll think about it.

Percy: [singing] Oh don't you remember sweet Betsy from Pike / Crossed the high mountains with her lover Ike / Two yoke of oxen and big yellow dog / Called Shanghai rooster and one spotted hog / Hoodle-dang-hootie-i-doh, hoodle-dang-hootie-ay, hoodle-dang-hootie-i-doh, hoodle-dang-hootie-ay / Shanghai ran off and the cattle all died / last piece of bacon that morning was fried...
Butch: [interrupting] I think they're in the trees up ahead.
Sundance: In the bushes on the left.
Butch: I'm telling you they're in the trees up ahead.
Sundance: You take the trees, I'll take the bushes.
Percy: Will you two beginners cut it out.
Butch: Well, we're just trying to spot an ambush, Mr. Garris.
Percy: Morons. I've got morons on my team. Nobody is going to rob us going down the mountain. We have got no money going down the mountain. When we have got the money, on the way back, then you can sweat.

[Butch just rode with Etta on his bicycle]
Sundance: Hey, what are you doin'?
Butch: Stealin' your woman?
Sundance: [pause] Take her.
Sundance: Take her.
Butch: Well, you're a romantic bastard, I'll give you that.

[Harvey has challenged Butch to fight for control of the Hole-in-the-Wall gang]
Harvey: Guns or knives?
Butch: Neither?
Harvey: Pick!
Butch: I don't want to shoot with you, Harvey.
Harvey: [draws a big knife] Anything you say, Butch.
[Butch walks over to Sundance]
Butch: [in a low voice] Maybe there's a way to make a profit in this. Bet on Logan.
Sundance: I would, but who'd bet on you?
Harvey: Sundance, when we're done and he's dead, you're welcome to stay.
Butch: [low voice, to Sundance] Listen, I don't mean to be a sore loser, but when it's done, if I'm dead, kill him.
Sundance: [low voice to Butch] Love to.
[waves to Harvey and smiles]
Butch: No, no, not yet. Not until me and Harvey get the rules straightened out.
Harvey: Rules? In a knife fight? No rules!
[Butch immediately kicks Harvey in the groin]
Butch: Well, if there aint' going to be any rules, let's get the fight started. Someone count. 1,2,3 go.
Sundance: [quickly] 1,2,3, go!
[Butch knocks Harvey out]
Flat: I was really rooting for you, Butch.
Butch: Well, thank you, Flatnose. That's what sustained me in my time of trouble.

Butch: Is that what you call giving cover?
Sundance: Is that what you call running? If I knew you were going to stroll...

[repeated line]
Sundance: You just keep thinkin', Butch. That's what you're good at.

Sundance: Well, I think I'll get saddled up and go looking for a woman.
Butch: Good hunting.
Sundance: Shouldn't take more than a couple of days. I'm not picky. As long as she's smart, pretty, and sweet, and gentle, and tender, and refined, and lovely, and carefree...

Percy: Can you hit anything?
Sundance: Sometimes.

[arriving in Bolivia]
Butch: You know, it could be worse. You get a lot more for your money in Bolivia, I checked on it.
Sundance: What could they have here that you could possibly want to buy?

Butch: How long before you figure they're not after us?
Sundance: A while longer.
Butch: How come you're so talkative?
Sundance: Naturally blabby, I guess.

Butch: Jeesh, all Bolivia can't look like this.
Sundance: How do you know? This might be the garden spot of the whole country. People may travel hundreds of miles just to get to this spot where we're standing now. This might be the Atlantic City, New Jersey of all Bolivia for all you know.
Butch: Look, I know a lot more about Bolivia than you know about Atlantic City, New Jersey, I can tell you that!
Sundance: Aha! You do, huh? I was born there, I was born in New Jersey. Was brought up there, so...
Butch: You're from the east? I didn't know that.
Sundance: The total tonnage of what you don't know is enough to shatter...
Etta: I'm not sure we're accomplishing as much as we'd like here.
Sundance: Listen, your job is to back me up, because you'd starve without me. And you, your job is to shut up!
Butch: He'll feel a lot better after he's robbed a couple of banks.
Sundance: Bolivia. Hahahaha...

[while being chased by the posse]
Sundance: You remember the time you and me and Etta went to Denver one summer for a vacation?
Butch: I'm glad you brought that up, Kid. That's an important topic, considering our situation.
Sundance: The night we went gambling, you remember?
Butch: We had dinner at the hotel. Etta had roast beef and I had chicken, and if I can remember what you had, I'll die a happy man.

Butch: Don't they get tired? Don't they get hungry?
Sundance: They gotta be.
Butch: Why don't they slow up? Hell, they could even go faster, at least that'd be a change. They don't even break formation. Do something.

Sundance: [Butch and the Kid are on the edge of a cliff preparing to take on the posse pursuing them] Ready?
Butch: No, we'll jump.
Sundance: Like hell, we will.
Butch: No, it'll be okay. If the water's deep enough and we don't get squished to death, they'll never follow us.
Sundance: How do you know?
Butch: Would you make a jump like that if you didn't have to?
Sundance: I have to and I'm not gonna.
Butch: Well, we got to. Otherwise, we're dead. We're just gonna have to go back down the same way they come. Come on.
Sundance: Just one clear shot, that's all I want.
Butch: Come on.
Sundance: Uh-uh.
Butch: [leans into the Kid] We got to!
Sundance: Get away from me.
Butch: Why?
Sundance: I wanna fight 'em!
Butch: They'll kill us.
Sundance: Maybe.
Butch: You wanna die?
Sundance: Do you?
Butch: Alright. I'll jump first.
Sundance: Nope.
Butch: Then you jump first.
Sundance: No, I said.
Butch: What's the matter with you?
Sundance: I can't swim!
Butch: [pauses, then laughs] Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill ya.
[pause, then they start running to the edge]
[Butch and the Kid land in the water]

Butch: They'll never follow us.
Sundance: How do you know?
Butch: Would you jump if you didn't have to?
Sundance: I have to and I'm not gonna.

Butch: Kid, there's something I ought to tell you. I never shot anybody before.
Sundance: One hell of a time to tell me!

Butch: Once they divide up, we take them, no trouble, right?
Sundance: Maybe.
Butch: Boy, for a gunman, you're one hell of a pessimist.