Top 50 Quotes From The Warriors

Cyrus: Now, here's the sum total: One gang could run this city! One gang. Nothing would move without us allowing it to happen. We could tax the crime syndicates, the police, because WE got the streets, suckers! Can you dig it?
Gang: YEAH!
[shouting and Cheering]

Cyrus: Can you count, suckahs?

Cropsey,: [Luther just made a phone call and is excited] Well?
Luther: Some two-bit outfit almost got them, but they bopped their way past.
Cropsey,: We can meet them at the 96th street station.
Luther: Yeah, platforms probably crawling with cops!
Cropsey,: Cops are trying to rack up every gang in this town!
Luther: Yeah, you and me included.
Cropsey,: How come you're so happy about this?
Luther: I'm having a good time.

Ajax: I'll shove that bat up your ass and turn you into a popsicle.

Cowboy: [winded, running from the Baseball Furies] I can't make it.
Ajax: Are you sure?
Cowboy: Yes, I'm sure...
Ajax: Well, good! I'm sick of runnin' from these wimps!

Orphan: They write about our raids in the paper.
Fox: Yeah. That's really heavy. The Orphans, right? Yeah, our youth worker, she talks about you guys all the time.
Orphan: We ain't got one.
Fox: Well, that must be because you guys are so bad, they're afraid of you.

Candy: Hey, what about the money you owe?
Luther: [shouts] FOR WHAT?
[Throws the stolen candy bar on the counter]

Luther: [clicking beer bottles together] Waaaarrrrrriiiorsss, come out to pla-ay!

Ajax: Oh, you'll get it. But I like it rough!

[the Warriors finally return to Coney Island at daybreak]
Swan: This is what we fought all night to get back to?

Cowboy: Okay, what are we gonna do now?
Swan: We're going back.
Vermin: You mind tellin' me how? Fuckin' Coney Island must be 50 to 100 miles from here!
Swan: It's the only choice we got.
Cochise: Yeah, real simple. Except that every cop in this city is lookin' to bust our heads.
Swan: We got somethin' else to think about then the cops.
Vermin: Yeah, what?
Snow: The truce. Is it still on?
Vermin: If it ain't, we're gonna have to bop our way back!
Cowboy: Shit, I wish we was packed.

Cyrus: The problem in the past has been the man turning us against one another. We have been unable to see the truth, because we have fighting for ten square feet of ground, our turf, our little piece of turf. That's crap, brothers! The turf is ours by right, because it's our turn. All we have to do is keep up the general truce. We take over one borough at a time. Secure our territory... secure our turf... because it's all our turf!

Snow: It's the Turnbull A.C.'s.
Cowboy: Think they forgot about the truce?
Vermin: No shit!
Ajax: Those lousy skinhead fucks!

Swan: Did you see him get busted?
Cochise: I seen him, then he wasn't there no more... I was hauling ass!
Swan: Why don't you look around and make sure we're okay.
Rembrandt: This is a graveyard!

Swan: You still looking for us?
Masai: [looks at Luther] We've found what we're looking for.
Luther: [cowering] No. No... It wasn't us. It was them. It was the Warriors.
Masai: You Warriors are good. Real Good.
Swan: The best.
Masai: The rest is ours.
[Swan nods his head in agreement as the Gramercy Riffs let the Warriors pass]
Luther: [as the Gramercy Riffs descend on the Rogues] Nooooooo!

Cropsey,: [at the candy store] We set?
Luther: We're set, alright. Somebody should pick their ass up. The Riffs sent out the word. They want 'em alive. We don't.
Cropsey,: The sooner someone grabs 'em, the better.
Luther: What's the matter? Ya afraid the Warriors are gonna shoot their mouths off before they get racked?
Cropsey,: Yeah, right! I'm worried! I just don't want the Riffs on my ass!
Luther: No sweat. They're lookin' for the Warriors, remember?
[rubs his knuckles across Cropsey's head]
Luther: We can do some lookin' too... Oughta make you feel better.

Orphan: [brandishing a razor and shouting] You see what you get, Warriors? You see what you get when you mess with the Orphans?

Luther: [clicking beer bottles together] Waaaarrrrrriiiorsss, come out to pla-i-ay!

Masai: You Warriors are good. Real good.
Swan: The best.

Fox: [to Mercy] We're not going to hide who we are just because some whore shakes her ass.
Mercy: Don't call me no whore. I ain't no whore!

Mercy: [Mercy kisses Swan on the mouth, long and hard. She waits for a reaction, and is disappointed when she doesn't get one.] Come on. What's wrong?
Swan: [coldly] Let's just get to the next station, O.K.?
Mercy: [pleading] Oh... please, come on... come on.
Swan: [coldly] You know, you're just part of everything that's happening tonight, and it's all bad.
Swan: Just go back to wherever it was you came from.

Mercy: Hey, what about me?
Ajax: Well, what about you?

[as they all observe the subway station]
Ajax: Come on, what kind of chickenshit crap is this?
Cochise: Yeah, come on! We're here, what are we waiting for?
Fox: A train would help! Unless you wanna go up there and get japped on an open platform.
Cochese: Bullshit man, there ain't nobody in the street.
Ajax: He's right! We're acting like faggots!
[a bus with bright headlights approaches]
Swan: Just keep talking.
Swan: Move!

Cochise: When you're president of the biggest gang in the city, you don't have to take any shit.
Ajax: Ah, fuck him!

Cowboy: You never know what you're gonna run into out there. If we're wearing our colors, we can't hide.
Vermin: Who wants to hide?

Rembrandt: [realizing that the Lizzies have lured them into a trap] Shit! The chicks are packed! The chicks are packed!

Mercy: See that dude? Over there! He's after you, and he's got some guys with him.
Swan: I know they're on my ass,
[looks in their direction]
Swan: but now they know I know it.

Mercy: Yeah, that's right, Warriors. Just keep walkin'. Real tough muthas, ain't ya? You guys don't show me much. Why don't you dickheads just walk all the way back home, huh?

Riffs: You Warriors are good. Real good.
Swan: The best.

[At the big conclave/street gang meeting, Cyrus, the boss of the street gang appears]
Cyrus: [yelling] Can you count, suckers? I say, the future is ours... if you can count!
[a couple of soldiers cheer for Cyrus]
Cyrus: Now, look what we have here before us. We got the Saracens sitting next to the Jones Street Boys. We've got the Moonrunners right by the Van Cortlandt Rangers. Nobody is wasting nobody. That... is a miracle. And miracles is the way things ought to be.
[Few more soldiers cheering for Cyrus]
Cyrus: You're standing right now with nine delegates from 100 gangs. And there's over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore members. Forty-thousand, counting affiliates, and twenty-thousand more, not organized, but ready to fight: 60,000 soldiers! Now, there ain't but 20,000 police in the whole town. Can you dig it?
Gang: Yeah.
Cyrus: Can you dig it?
Gang: Yeah!
Cyrus: Can you dig it?
Gang: YEAH!
[shouting and Cheering]

Cyrus: Can you dig it?

Swan: Why'd you do it? Why'd you waste Cyrus?
Luther: No reason. I just... like doing things like that!

Fox: We were just at that big meeting up in the Bronx. We're goin' home to Coney. Train gets messed up by the fire and dumps us here.
Orphan: I don't know what you're talkin' about, man. How could this be a big meeting if the Orphans wasn't there?

[repeated line]
Ajax: Fuckin' A!

Cochese: We're going in there with nothing?
Snow: We're going like everybody else: nine guys, no weapons.

Ajax: [to Swan] Since when are you a fuckin' diplomat?

Cowboy: What do you know about Cyrus?
Cochese: Magic... whole lotta magic.

Vermin: How much longer we gotta wait? We might be here forever, I'm sick of waiting for trains!
Swan: Vermin, sit down and shut up.
Vermin: Okay, okay!

Rembrandt: They think we shot Cyrus.
Vermin: What are you talking about? I don't get it.
Rembrandt: They think we shot Cyrus. Every gang in the city must be looking for us!
Cochise: Holy shit!
Rembrandt: We're not gonna be able to make it back!

Mercy: Wait a minute. I can't go in there. It's a men's room.
Vermin: Are you kidding?
[he yanks her inside the room]

Orphan: Lighten up Mercy! Stop lookin' for trouble!
Orphan: Should have slapped your mouth the moment you opened it!
Mercy: So who stopped you!

Swan: If you get separated, make it to the platform at Union Square. That's where we change trains.
Ajax: I only got one question. Who named you leader? I got just as much right to take over as you.
Fox: It was Cleon's choice, Swan's war chief.
Ajax: Well, right about now, Cleon's most likely got a nightstick shoved halfway up his ass!

Gramercy: We got a report from the Bronx. Some small time clique ran into them... The Orphans.
Masai: They're not in our network!
Gramercy: They rumble anyway. They got wasted.

Swan: You recognize them?
Fox: Orphans. So far down they're not even on the map. Real low class.
Swan: Numbers?
Fox: Full strength: maybe 30?
Vermin: Thirty. A lot more than eight.
Ajax: Not if they're wimps!... and I'm sick of this running crap.

Ajax: Maybe you're all just goin' faggot.

Mercy: Friday nights are good. Saturday nights are better.
Swan: I bet you can't even remember who you get on Friday and Saturday night... you probably don't remember what they look like...
Mercy: Sometimes I can and sometimes I can't... who gives a damn?

[last lines]
D.J.: Good news, Boppers: The big alert has been called off. It turns out that the early reports were wrong, all wrong. Now for that group out there that had such a hard time getting home, sorry about that. I guess the only thing we can do is play you a song.
[the Warriors theme song, "In the City", performed by Joe Walsh, plays]

Cleon: I know that a lot of you aren't too happy about going out on patrol. Just just remember this, out of a street family of 120, plus affiliates, you were chosen for this expedition. That makes you special. Now, here's the line up: Swan, second-in-command, war chief, stay by me. Snowball, you're the music man. Cowboy: soldier of the middle. Vermin, you're the bear. You carry the tokens and the bread. Rembrandt, you got the stuff? I want you to hit everything in the city. I want the people to know that the Warriors were there.
Ajax: That'll just slow us down.
Cleon: Ajax, you're just soldier. Try and keep your mouth shut! Fox: scout and memory man. Run ahead and tell us all we need to know. Cochise, you're with Ajax, soldier of the middle; heavy mother. Now just remember this, there's a truce on. So, don't go around flexing any muscle unless I give the order. Okay? Let's roll!

Luther: There he is! That's him! That's... the Warrior! He shot Cyrus!
Cleon: Man, you crazy! I din't do nuthin'!
Luther: We saw 'im!
Cropsey,: Yeah, that's him.
Luther: He's the one! He's the one! The Warriors did it!
[starts charging Cleon]
Luther: The Warriors did it! The Warriors did it! The Warriors did it!

Mercy: [to Swan, while they are walking through the subway tunnel] I see what's happening next door and down the block. Belly hanging down, five kids. I'll tell you what I want. I want something now. This is the life I got left. You know what I mean? You get it, Warrior?