The Best Tom Bishop Quotes

Elizabeth: Fine, that's me. What about you. You can start small... your name?
Tom: You know my name.
Elizabeth: [harshly] Your name.
Tom: Terry
Elizabeth: Tell me your real name. Please.
Tom: Terry
Elizabeth: Gees, you're pathetic.

Tom: [to Nathan Muir] I'm done with the reasons, Nathan. I'm done with you. I'm not ending up like you.

Nathan: [after Muir ordered him to solicit information from an attractive female] You just gave her four pieces of personal information for one dubious impersonal fact.
Tom: Just trying to find out where she got that dress.

Tom: Vodka did me in, I'm comin' home.
Nathan: Throw out the bottle. They know.

Tom: [inside a bar] All right, so what else? What else do I need to know?
Nathan: Put away some money so you can die someplace warm and don't ever touch it. Not for anyone, ever.
Tom: Okay, is that it?
Nathan: Don't "ever" risk your life for an asset. If it comes down to you or them... send flowers.

Tom: Don't tell me that. Don't fucking tell me that. You didn't look in his eyes. Don't tell me that!
Nathan: He was your asset, somebody you use for information.
Tom: Ah, Jesus Christ, you just... You don't just trade these people like they're baseball cards! It's not a fucking game!
Nathan: Oh, yes it is. It's exactly what it is. And it's no kid's game either. This is a whole other game. And it's serious and it's dangerous. And it's not one you want to lose.
Tom: Nathan, we killed this man. We used him and we killed him. Okay, then you got to help me understand this one. You got... Nathan, what are we doing here? And don't give me some bullshit about the greater good.
Nathan: That's exactly what it's about. Because what we do is unfortunately very, very necessary. And if you're not willing to sacrifice scum like Schmidt for those that want nothing more than their freedom, then you better take a long hard look at your chosen profession my friend. Because it doesn't get any easier. You wanna walk? You wanna walk, walk.

Dr. Ahmed: [preparing him for him to help with their next op] Tell me. Is it hard?
Tom: Is what hard?
Dr. Ahmed: Is it hard? To take a life?
Tom: [Long pause after a sigh] Yes.

Tom: [walking in on Nathan Muir shaving] My god, you're hideous! Why do you even bother?

Tom: So, when do I get my first assignment?
Nathan: When I decide you're ready.

Tom: She's just someone I used to get to the camp.
Nathan: She gonna be of any more use to us?
Tom: Not to us.

Nathan: I take it you didn't get to be a marksman putting food on your mama's table.
Tom: No, sir. We have a Safeway back home.
Nathan: Where'd you leard to shoot?
Tom: Boy scouts, sir.
Nathan: What, are you kidding me?
Tom: No, sir.

Tom: [giving Muir a liquor flask, while eating break at a café] Happy Birthday, Nathan. Did you know Langley has seven different birth dates for you?
Nathan: [while eating break at a café] And they're all wrong.
Tom: I know, believe me, it wasn't easy. KGB, Mossad, also wrong. Fortunately I was well trained.

Tom: [talking privately in a bar] I thought spies drank martinis.
Nathan: [talking privately in a bar] Scotch, never less than twelve years old.
Tom: [talking privately in a bar] Is that right? Agency rules?
Nathan: [talking privately in a bar] My rules.

Nathan: [while siting in a restaurant while every diner at every table and every restaurant employee] The man reading the menu. Threat?
Tom: [seeing the reflection of the image of the man through a metal dome watching the hostess] Only to the hostess.

Nathan: [drinking coffee while standing outside of the coffee shop] , showing Tom the apartment building across from then See that building across the way?
Tom: Yeah.
Nathan: Do you know anyone there?
Tom: No.
Nathan: In five minutes I want to see you on the balcony.
Tom: What do...
Nathan: Five minutes.
Tom: Can't we discuss it over coffee?
Nathan: You just lost ten seconds.

Tom: Fuck your rules, Nathan.
Nathan: Okay, but tonight they saved your life.

Tom: [talking privately on a stair case] Central Intelligence?
Nathan: [talking privately on a stair case] You'd be working for me. Mostly undercover.

Tom: Happy?
Nathan: Seventy-four casualties, an apartment block leveled, one dead terrorist? Yeah, happy.
Tom: We have some fucked up barometer for success, don't we?