The Best Tracee Quotes

Ralphie: What are you being like this for?
Tracee: Fuck you. Three days you don't call, not even to see how I am.
Ralphie: Baby, I'm busy. I gotta work! How else am I gonna take care of you when you're nine months pregnant?
Tracee: Serious?
Ralphie: Of course I'm serious!
Tracee: Ralphie, I love you.
Ralphie: I love you too, baby. Hey, if it's a boy, we'll name him after me. If it's a girl, we'll name it Tracee after you... that way she could grow up to be a cocksuckin' slob just like her mother. Are you out of your fucking mind?
Tracee: Guinea motherfuckin' piece of shit!
Ralphie: Yeah, that's right. Get it out! Get it out you little whore!

Silvio: [after she walks up to him] what's the matter Hun?
Tracee: nothing
Tracee: [getting his attention] Tony?
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: how you doing sweetie?
Tracee: good, I took Danny to the doctor: like you said
Tracee: [when she notices he doesn't recall] my son?
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: oh yeah, yeah, right, right. How's he doing?
Tracee: you were right, just a chest pull, not pneumonia, thank God
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: good to hear it
Tracee: [hands him the plate] I made you some bread, you know, as a "thank you"?
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: you didn't have to do that
Tracee: no, really, I wanted to: it's Date Nut for breakfast
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: listen... Tracee, right?
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [after she nods] the bread's very sweet: you're a great girl. Don't take this the wrong way but you can't be doing stuff like this
Silvio: [to Tracee] no good
Tracee: but I just wanted to say "thanks"
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: I know but I already got a family, you know, they give me gifts. What we have is an employee, employer, "thing"
Tracee: can't we be friends?
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: [referring to their romantically involved] yeah, well, I'm not so sure that's a good idea either because you and Ralphie...
Tracee: Yeah, Ralphie
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: I'm glad your kid's ok
Silvio: [points to his watch, referring to the fictional character and brand name, telling her to go back to work] let's go betty Crocker

Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: At your age, with your situation, you need another kid like you need a fucking hole in the head. You're young, you still got your figure and you're making money.
Tracee: So you think I should get an abortion?
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Believe me, with Ralphie as the father, you would be doing this kid and the next few generations a favour.

Ralphie: Oh what, not even a hello?
Tracee: Fuck you, asshole.
Ralphie: Oh that's very nice. That's how you talk to a man in front of his friends?
Tracee: Yeah, right. What man?
Christopher: Oh, a double!
Bobby: You tell him, sweety!
Gigi: [clapping] I like this girl!
Ralphie: Women, women, women . Why wasn't I born handsome instead of rich?

Silvio: [after banging on Ralphie's door] Where's Tracee?
Ralphie: She's busy
Tracee: hey, Sil
Silvio: [to Tracee] Put your shoes on
Ralphie: Oh, what'd I say?
Silvio: I don't know. What'd you fuckin say? Three days she missed work
Tracee: I've been sick Sil
Silvio: Oh, yeah? I called your house: your mother says you haven't been there for two days either
Tracee: I was here, Ralph's taking care of me
Silvio: [after cursing at her in Italian] You got a little kid at home
Ralphie: Her mother's watching him
Silvio: Mind your fuckin business Ralph
Ralphie: [yells] Where do you get the balls to come here?
Silvio: [yells louder, referring to the debt Tracee owes Sil] Three grand this is costing me, and where do I get my fuckin balls?

Tracee: I'm pregnant. It's Ralphie's.
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: Congratulations.
Tracee: What should I do? He acts like he doesn't give a shit.
Anthony 'Tony' Soprano Sr.: You ever think he's not acting?