The Best Tyene Sand Quotes

[at Yara's ship, the Sand Snakes talk about killing the Lannisters. Obara drinks from a wineskin]
Tyene: You can't have them all. It's not fair.
Obara: I'm oldest.
Tyene: Mama will want Cersei for herself.
Obara: She's not my mama.
Nymeria: You can have Cersei. I want the Mountain.
Obara: [sneers] The Mountain killed Father. He'll crush you with one hand.
Tyene: Father got careless. That's what Mama says.
Obara: [angrily] Will you shut up about "Mama"?
[Obara hands her wineskin to Nymeria]
Nymeria: [mocking Tyene] "Mama, mama, mama".
Tyene: Maybe I'll kill you both before we take King's Landing. And then I won't have to share.
[Obara and Nymeria look at each other. Nymeria throws the waterskin at Tyene]
Obara: [mocking Tyene] "Mama"!

Bronn: [the Sand Snakes do not think he's getting away from Dorne] No great hurry. Dornish women are the most beautiful in the world.
Tyene: Thank you.
Bronn: I said Dornish women. I didn't say you.
Tyene: [gets up, walks towards her cell door opposite his across the narrow corridor] I'm not the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?
[her sisters raise their eyes]
Bronn: I've seen quite a few women in all the Seven Kingdoms.
Tyene: Name one more beautiful than I am.
Bronn: [gets up from his bunk] Well, now...
[her hand starts moving down]
Bronn: in King's Landing, there was an absolutely... gorgeous...
[she bared a fulsom breast, and he falls silent]
Tyene: There was a what?
Tyene: In King's Landing, you were saying?
Bronn: Was I?
Tyene: There was a woman more beautiful than I am.
Bronn: Was there? My memory's not what it was earlier.
Tyene: [bares a hint of loin as well] How's your arm now?
Bronn: You seem concerned with it. You must really like me.
Tyene: [chuckles, bares all] And how about your head?
Bronn: My head?
[sounds bit weary]
Bronn: My head? You don't even wanna know what's going on in...
[gasps for air]
Tyene: Your nose is bleeding.
Bronn: [gasps] It's nothing. It's the dry air...
[labored breathing, slumps down]
Tyene: [bright-eyed grin] My dagger was coated with a special ointment from Asshai. They call it the Long Farewell.
[as: ]
Tyene: It takes time to work... but if a single drop makes contact with the skin... death!
[produces tiny vial]
Tyene: The only antidote!
[his hand reaches out]
Tyene: Who's the most beautiful woman in the world?
Bronn: [almost inaudible, hoarse whisper] You.
Tyene: Sorry? Who?
Bronn: [desperately] You!
Tyene: Don't drop it.
[tosses vial across corridor into his cell, and he laboriously scurries for it, struggling to swallow, but inmediately starts recovering]
Tyene: I think you're very handsome as well.