The Best Unbelievable Quotes

Detective: You don't sound crazy to me. You sound like someone who's been through a trauma and is looking for a way to feel safe again and in control. And there is nothing crazy about that.

Marie: I know I'm supposed to say, if I had to do it over, I wouldn't lie. But the truth is, I would lie earlier... and better. I would just figure it out on my own, by myself. No matter how much someone says they care about you, they just don't. Not enough. I mean... maybe they mean to or try to, but other things end up being more important. So, yeah, I guess I'd start with that. Lying. Cause even with good people, even with people you can kinda trust, if the truth is inconvenient, if the truth doesn't fit, they don't believe it. Even if they really care about you, they just don't.

Detective: Hypothetical scenario, a study comes out, showing 40% of female cops abuse, their kids. What do you think would happen?
Detective: 40% of female cops would lose their job.
Detective: And that would be right. That would be appropriate. Now look at this. This is a Study from Florida where, like, everywhere cops are beating their wives. Guess how many of them are still on the job? 30 percent. Everyone knows huge correlation between violence at home and violence against strangers, and even so a third of wife-beating cops in Florida are still walking around with a badge and a gun.
Detective: I hear ya. I just don't think that's entirely Taggerts fault.
Detective: Well, it's no one's fault entirely. That's the problem, no one's accountable. no one is looking at this data about violence against women. I mean what if men were raped at the rate that women are. What if Taggart was worried a stranger was going to fuck him in the ass walking home from the grocery store at night?
Detective: This man is helping us. This man is stepping up.
Detective: Okay, but where is his outrage? Do you know where is The Voice looking at this pattern saying "This is extremely fucked up!"?
Detective: It is! But you sitting out here, screaming into the wind does nothing to un-fuck it.

Connor: I do better when I feel good about my choices. When they feel right.
Marie: I know. I like that about you.

Dara: If there's something you would like to tell me about that night, I would love to listen

Marie: That was the the hardest part of this whole thing. Waking up feeling hopeless and thinking things like... well., if the world is this bad do I even want to be in it, you know?