The Best Valeria Quotes

Conan: You're not a guard!
Valeria: Neither are you!
Subotai: We're thieves! Ha! Like yourself. Come to climb the tower.
Valeria: You don't even have a rope! Ha! Two fools who laugh at death. Do you know what horrors lie beyond that wall?
Conan: No
Valeria: Then you go first.

Valeria: To the hell fires with Thulsa Doom. He's evil; a sorcerer who can summon demons. His followers' only purpose is to die in his service. Thousands of them.

Valeria: The wizard! I told him I would pay the gods.

[repeated line]
Valeria: Do you want to live forever?

Valeria: Let's take what we have while we live. I have never had so much as now. All my life I've been alone. Many times I've faced my death with no one to know. I would look into the huts and the tents of others in the coldest dark and I would see figures holding each other in the night. And I always passed by. You and I, we have warmth. That's so hard to find in this world. Please. Let someone else pass by in the night. Let us take the world by the throat and make it give us what we desire.

Valeria: All my life I've been alone. Many times I've faced death with no one to know. I would look into the huts and the tents of others in the coldest dark and I would see figures holding each other in the night, but I always passed by.

The: [about the spirits] Sometime soon, perhaps tonight, they'll try to take him. And if they succeed...
Valeria: If they succeed, you'll follow.

Valeria: All the gods, they cannot sever us. If I were dead and you were still fighting for life, I'd come back from the darkness. Back from the pit of hell to fight at your side.

Subotai: The old man says the Mountain of Power is hollow. Thulsa Doom is in the mountain.
Valeria: What else does he say?
Subotai: That in the back of the mountain there's a gorge. Many caves. A good thief could get in there, steal the princess, and be off before she's missed in the darkness.
Valeria: Good thieves could do that, but not vengeful ones.
[looks at Conan]
Subotai: [turning to Conan, who's been sharpening his sword the entire time] Only the girl. We kill Thulsa Doom another day. Agreed?
Subotai: [Conan just keeps sharpening] Conan!
[Conan stops, glances at him then Valeria, then continues without a word]

Valeria: [dying in Conan's arms] Kiss me. Let me breathe my last breath into your mouth.
[kisses Conan]
Valeria: I'm so cold! So... cold. Keep me... warm... keep... me... warm... keep... me... .