The Best Wesley Evers Quotes

Wesley: Angela, you're my best friend and you are the sexiest woman I've ever seen. You make me laugh, and cry sometimes. I fell in love with you the second I met you and I have been falling every second since. Will you marry me?
Angela: Yes.

Wesley: So where are we, case-wise?
Lucy: Yeah, he made contact, asked me to dinner. Romantically, like a date? Well, ostensibly, it's about business, but he did just get out of prison, so odds are he's hopeful for a little somethin'-somethin'.
Wesley: Legally, there's two forms of entrapment. The first is offering so much money that an otherwise reasonable person commits an illegal act. The second is sex.
Nyla: Yeah, if a UC puts sex or love on the table as inducement to crime, it automatically becomes entrapment.
Wesley: The courts realize that love makes people do crazy things.
Wesley: Right, so I'm... Should we cancel dinner?
Wesley: No, but keep it professional. If he starts saying that he's doing it for you or for love, you got to walk.
Lucy: Yeah. Hey. Should I push a little about his brother?
Nyla: No, because you're still trying to build a foundation. Once he trusts you, he will hang himself. But we should get a decent wire for her, because he could get a little handsy.
Wade: Mm. All right. Pull the top of the line from HIDTA. We'll reconvene and brief two hours before your date. Any questions?

Tim: What's your tolerance level for cranks and asshats wasting your time?
Wesley: I'm a public defender.

Wesley: These cases are frustrating, and hard. All you can do is keep circling back. And she may never be ready to leave, but it's important she knows that we'll be there when she is.

Wesley: The City Attorney's offering to pay you a settlement. You should take it.
Elijah: You know, I lost everything when I decided to help you get your wife back from La Fiera. You turned me into a pariah. Now I have to start from the bottom. But it's all good. I will win, and the damages will be paid out from everyone's personal accounts. Now, that may not hurt you, Richie Rich. But it most certainly will hurt Nolan and Harper and Grey. Where they gonna find a half a million dollars each, huh? I'll keep coming, adding more of your little friends to my suit. I'll take everything away from you until you say sorry for taking everything away from me.
Wesley: You want me to apologize? To you?
Wesley: Something along these lines. In public. And, Counselor, make me believe it.

Elijah: Hello, Wesley.
Wesley: Elijah. What, you following me?
Elijah: Well, I heard you come here every morning.
Wesley: Well, the best scone in town.
Elijah: You know, I never would have guessed from your sad, little office or that beater that you drive that you're old-money rich. What's it like having generational wealth?
Wesley: I don't care about money .I care about justice, the rule of law.
Elijah: Spoken like someone with a ton of money. Hmm. Well, don't worry. I'll be relieving you of your burden.
Wesley: It's been nice, but you need to leave. Your lawsuit's malicious. I'm not leaving. This is my spot.
Elijah: Well, not anymore. Given the fact that you planted evidence on me, are married to a police detective, and have the full force of the D.A.'s office behind you, it's easy to see how you kept your job. My only choice was to file a restraining order against you. The judge granted it. This gentleman here just served you. I'mma be here every day, which means you'd better not be. Wesley.
Wesley: Take the scone. That's all you're gonna get.

Wesley: The good news is they haven't paid rent, so you can start the eviction process today. Based on their history, they'll probably take it to court. Because of the backups, it'll take a while to get a date. Uh, if you're lucky, you'll be rid of them in three months.
John: Three. So meanwhile, I'll be out legal fees, and they'll pocket $18,000 renting out the place to make "adult films."

Wesley: ...The lease terms specifically prohibit that. Makes the case more clean-cut.
[In regards to the filming of pornographic films on residential rentals]

Wesley: I would wish you luck, but I hope your client rots in hell.

Stephanie: [In the interrogation room, looking at the stroller Wesley rocks] Are you allowed to bring a baby in here?
Wesley: Oh, he's my intern!

Wesley: I mean, she was always a little creepy. Very bright, but casually cruel. I always chalked it up to privilege.

Wesley: I'm sorry. Are you really murder boarding our child's future?

Wesley: Can I help?
Tim: What's your tolerance for cranks and asshats wasting your time?
Wesley: I'm a Public Defender.
Tim: Have at it.