The Best Willie O'Keefe Quotes

Willie: People got to know, why he was killed.

[On David Ferrie's scheme to assassinate JFK]
Willie: I didn't think much about it at the time. Just bullshit, y'know, everybody likes to make themselves out to be something more than they are. 'Specially in the homosexual underworld. But when they got him I got real scared. And that's when I got popped.

David: Hey, Willie. I want you to meet Leon Oswald.
Willie: Hey, man! How you doin'?
Lee: What the fuck's he doin' here?
Willie: Fuck you, motherfucker!

Willie: You're not a bad-looking man, Mr. Garrison. When I get out, I'm gonna come visit you. Have some real fun!

Willie: You don't know shit 'cause you've never been fucked in the ass!