The Best Yara Greyjoy Quotes

Daenerys: Lord Tyrion tells me your father was a terrible king.
Yara: You and I have that in common.

Theon: What is dead may never die.
Yara: But kill the bastards anyway.

Yara: We'll get justice for you.
Theon: If I got justice, my burnt body would hang over the gates of Winterfell.
Yara: Fuck justice, then. We'll get revenge...

- yourpnnce.
- Your prince!
- Everything they've done to him, they've also done to you.
- Myran da: Yes!
Yara: As long as they can hurt our prince with impunity, the word "ironborn" means nothing.

- Lord 1: Aye.
Dornish: Aye.
Yara: Aye.
- Lord 2: Aye. Lord 3: Aye.
- I'm not sure I get a vote, but aye.

Tyrion: There are more than 100 ships in the Iron Fleet.
Theon: There are and Euron is building more. He's going to offer them to you.
Daenerys: So why shouldn't I wait for him?
Theon: The Iron Fleet isn't all he's bringing. He also wants to give you...
[trailing off]
Yara: ...his big cock, I think he said. Euron's offer is also an offer of marriage, you see. You won't get one without the other.
Daenerys: And I imagine your offer is free of any marriage demands?
Yara: I never demand, but I'm up for anything really.

Yara: I know you've had a few bad years...
Theon: Bad years?

Theon: How did you get past the guards?
Yara: Anything with a cock is easy to fool.

[Theon meets his crew at the docks]
Theon: You're the crew of the Sea Bitch? I'm your commander. Welcome.
[the Ironborn ignore Theon and begin loading their boat]
Theon: Stop.
[the Ironborn continue to ignore Theon]
Theon: Stop! Your captain commands you to stop!
[the Ironborn laugh at Theon]
Lorren: Where are we headed, captain?
Theon: The Stony Shore, to raid their villages. There'll be spoils in it for you, and women, if you do your jobs well.
Lorren: And who decides if we've done our jobs well?
Theon: [confidently] I do. Your captain.
[the Ironborn laugh at Theon again]
Lorren: I have been reaving and raping since before you left Balon's balls, captain. Don't reckon I've got much use for your ideas on how to do it. Don't reckon I've got much use for a captain at all. I'm thinking I could do the job of captain real well myself. All I need's a ship. You wouldn't know where I could find myself a ship now, would you?
Theon: You could do that. Take the ship, head out on your own. And I will hunt you down, drag you back here in chains, and hang you for a traitor!
[Yara arrives on the docks]
Yara: Stop! We yield!
[the Ironborn laugh and continue loading the boat]
Yara: Congratulations on your first command.
Theon: Thank you. Kind of you to come see me off.
Yara: Oh, I'm not here for you. I was just on my way to Red Harbor. I've got thirty ships. There's nowhere to put them here. Too narrow.
Theon: Better get out there. Wouldn't want her to set sail without you.
Yara: That would never happen. My crew would wait on deck for a year if I asked them to. This lot, though...
[Theon turns and sees that his crew have just cast off their boat, leaving him stranded on the docks]
Yara: Enjoy the Stony Shore.

Balon: I've made my decision!
Yara: And I've made mine! I'm going to pick the fastest ship in our fleet. I'm going to choose the fifty best killers on the Iron Islands. I'm going to sail up the Narrow Sea, all the way to the Weeping Water. I'm going to march on the Dreadfort. I'm going to find my little brother. And I'm going to bring him home.

Theon: You should be proud in your brother's achievements. I took the great castle of Winterfell with twenty men.
Yara: [scornfully] You're a great warrior. I saw the bodies above your gates. Which one gave you the tougher fight, the cripple or the six year old?
[the rest of the Ironmen snicker mockingly. Theon is enraged]