The Best Young Jack Cash Quotes

Young: [dying] Do you hear 'em JR? Do you hear them angels?
Carrie: I can hear 'em Jack, they're beautiful. So beautiful.

Young J.R.: [to Young Jack] How come you're so good?
Young: [laughs] I ain't!
Young J.R.: You pick five times more than me.
Young: Well, I'm bigger than you are.
Young J.R.: You know every story in the scripture.
Young: Well, you know every song in Mama's hymnal!
Young J.R.: Songs are easy.
Young: [laughs] It ain't for me.
Young J.R.: There's more words in the bible than in the Heavenly Highway Hymns.
Young: Look, J.R., if I'm going to be a preacher one day, I gotta know the bible front to back. I mean, you can't help nobody if you can't tell them the right story.

Young J.R.: [J.R. turns up the radio] Guess which Carter this is.
Young: I don't know J.R.
Young J.R.: Guess...
Young: Anita?
Young J.R.: Nope...
Young: Who?
Young J.R.: June.