The Best Zellary Quotes

Zellary: [Sabrina points and Zellary's outfit transforms] My midriff is showing!
Sabrina: You're 16, it's okay.
Zellary: I am not leaving this house dressed like a hussy!
Sabrina: You are or you're not going.

Sabrina: Now remember. You're my extremely shy cousins Hilda and Zelda. Wait! No-one would name their kids that. Okay, you're Hillary and you're... Zellary.
Zellary: Zellary?
Sabrina: Yeah. You're parents were hippies.

Gordie: I wanna know everything. Let's start with how you got such an unusual name? Zellary.
Zellary: It's not that unusual.
Gordie: I think it's tantalising, and very poetic.
Zellary: It rhymes with celery.
Gordie: Ha-ha! You are just delightful.

Zellary: That reminds me, anyone want snacks?
Harvey: Yeah!
Zellary: I brought carrot-sticks and hard boiled eggs.
Gordie: My favourite!
Harvey: [to Sabrina] Who taught her what a snack was?

Sabrina: What are you thinking? You just took Gordie's scarf!
Zellary: So? I'll give it back.
Sabrina: No! That means he likes you, and by accepting it, it means you like him. It's the teenage code!
Zellary: It's just a scarf.
Sabrina: You are so naive.

Zellary: 'The Magic Within.' Now what's that about?
Libby: I'm going to cast a spell on Gordon Gano.
Sabrina: A spell? Like witchcraft?
Libby: Oh please. That's just twaddle. This is a self-help book. It teaches you how to summon your feminine powers. That's the magic within.

[Hilda and Zelda just turned themselves into teenagers]
Sabrina: Your voices don't sound teenage.
Zellary: [in her own voice] We can change that.
[Zelda works her magic]
Zellary: [teenage voice] Is this better?
Hillary: [in a deep manly voice] And how about me? Hee Hee Hee. Oops. Wrong direction
Hillary: [teenage voice] There we go.

Zellary: And Frankly I think it's time for Allan Greenspan to step down.
Gordie: I couldn't agree with you more.
Sabrina: Well, that was a fun conversation. Now can we talk about anything else? Music? Cars? Food?