The Best 2nd Agent Trainee Quotes

Agent: Weren't you a little bit worried he might just shoot you?
Jason: I was a lot worried.
2nd: But how did you find him?
Jason: I was just stopping for gas. I walked into that store and I saw pieces of a profile that I'd given the Virginia PD almost a year ago. Truck in disrepair, a disheveled young man, severe stutter. James Reese once said "There are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined. How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?" These are things we're trained to look for.
2nd: So anyone else would have just seen a guy who stutters, but you saw the Footpath Killer.
Jason: Right. But sometimes these guys still found by just dumb luck. Berkowitz was caught because of a parking ticket.
Elle: [entering] Except the cop who caught him wasn't staring down a shotgun like you were.
Jason: This is true.