200 Best Jason Gideon Quotes

Aaron: Well, we got the Jeep right
Jason: And everything else wrong!

Jason: [opening quote] Euripides said: "When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good, must suffer with him"

Derek: [talking through the unsub's murders] Okay, so I've got Helen DiMarco tied to the chair. He probably killed her first.
Jason: Proof to the others that he had no mercy. Psychological torture before the physical pain.
Derek: [sigh] Only there was no satisfaction from her death. It was too brief. It was over too quickly. And the husband... with him, he took his time. There doesn't seem to be any wasted effort, no hesitation on the unsub's part. I mean, Gideon, look around. What he did... it's a lot of work. We're either dealing with a professional or...
Jason: A pure psychopath.

Brandi: You're one of the FBI agents, aren't you?
Jason: Is there something you want to tell me?
Brandi: Do you think God is vengeful?
Jason: I don't know.
Brandi: You don't think He punishes us?
Jason: After Hurricane Katrina, I read some essays by religious scholars. One writer said God was punishing America for its immorality; New Orleans was a wicked city, like Sodom and Gomorrah. Another one, a priest from New Orleans, he thought the hurricane was proof of God's love, 'cause the levees didn't break until after the storm was over. If they'd broken sooner, thousands would've died. So... I guess the answer to your question depends on whether or not you think you have something to be punished for.

Jason: I don't understand: why can't we shut it down?
Penelope: Because I can't point his IP-address
Jason: Just remove it once he sends it
Penelope: It's the internet. Sir, once it out there, you can never take it back
Jason: Just like history: you can't undo anything

Jason: [Opening Quote] Robert Kennedy once said, "Tragedy is a tool for the living to gain wisdom, not a guide by which to live."

Derek: I hope she reads as fast as Reid.
Jason: [hangs up phone] No one reads as fast as Reid.

Jason: [voiceover] Joseph Conrad said "The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."

Professor: You have a complicated life!
Jason: Complicated world.

Jason: Roman philosopher Lucretius wrote "What is food to one is to others bitter poison."

Jason: Twenty-three years in prison in the Ural Mountains... doesn't breed a compassionate friend.
Lysowsky: You think you know Russian prison life?
Jason: I know human behavior.

[opening quote]
Jason: W. H. Auden said, "Murder is unique in that it abolishes the party it injures, so that society must take the place of the victim and on his behalf demand atonement or grant forgiveness."

Jason: The first recorded war was 2700 BC. Probably earlier wars, but writing hadn't been invented yet
Aaron: Almost 5000 years of killing each other
Jason: One thing human beings have been consistently good at

Dr. Spencer Reid: You all right?
Jason: What?
Dr. Spencer Reid: You seem unhappy.
Jason: I am unhappy. I'm tired of people using religion to justify the terrible things they do.

Moretti: How do we negotiate with a psychotic who won't talk to us?
Jason: That depends on the level of his particular delusion.

Elle: Okay, I'm curious. Why'd he stutter?
Jason: You're on your way to becoming a part of the behavior analysis team now, Elle. You tell me!

Franklin: [Gideon confronts the Tommy Killer] I'll shoot her.
Jason: No, you won't, Franklin.
Franklin: Yes, I will.
Jason: If you hurt her, I'll kill you. I'll just say we caught a low-life burglar. You didn't turn out to be Tommy after all. You will remain uncaught. After a while, people will forget you. You'll be nothing. Once every five or ten years, I'll do a TV show, I'll ask "Whatever happened to that Tommy guy? Why'd he disappear?" Then they'll stop talking about it altogether. Put the gun down. Come on. Walk outta here with me. I'll make sure your face is splashed across every newspaper and TV in the country. Tommy Killer: Franklin Graney. Everyone will see you then. Bundy, Dahmer, Graney. Whole world will know who you are. It's up to you, Franklin. You can be famous, or you can be invisible.
Franklin: You'll tell everyone?
Jason: I have a media specialist outside right now. It is your choice.
Franklin: Promise?
Jason: Yes, sir. I promise.

Jason: I know all about you, Tim. You're at the gym five times a week. You drive a flashy car, you stink of cologne, and you can't get it up. Not even Viagra's working for you. You know what that tells me? That tells me you are hopelessly compensating, and it's not just in your head. It is physical. What did the girls call you in high school? What'd they come up with when you fumbled your way into some girl's pants and she started laughing when she got a good look at just how little you had to offer?
Tim: Shut up!
Jason: Short Stack? Very Little Vogel? I got it: Tiny Tim.

Special: Confucius once said, "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

Maggie: [Gideon opens his hotel room door] I figured you wouldn't be sleeping either
Jason: What are you doing here?
Maggie: I took a room on the hall
Jason: But you live four blocks away
Maggie: Exactly! Why be separated from the work?

William: I just... I can't just sit around here helpless.
Jason: When you were first diagnosed with cancer, you could have given up. You didn't.
William: But there was an enemy... Something to fight.
Jason: Yeah, but... There's a ghost enemy. Sneaks in, ravages you before you even know it's there, and by the time you do know, you're already losing.

Jason: [voiceover] Ralph Waldo Emerson said "In order to learn the import lessons of life, one must each day surmount a fear."

Jason: I think you're innocent.
Sarah: We are all guilty of something.

Jason: When we're dealing with a bomber, we're talking about someone who's non-confrontational. If you bumped into him at a cafe, he'd apologize; even if it wasn't his fault.
Aaron: We would classify this bomber as highly organized, based on the meticulous design of his bombs. It means above average intelligence. He probably has a skilled job, a trade, one that allows him to work alone. That's how he was able to make a sophisticated device without raising suspicion. Furniture maker, jeweler, et cetera.
Detective: Background in explosives?
Jason: No, not necessarily. You're thinking about a type who likes to blow things up. Gives them an emotional or sexual release. Death? Secondary.
Officer: Then what's this guy doing?
Jason: Murdering. Bombs? Just weapons. And these attacks, they are not random.
Officer: Well, how do you know that?
Aaron: By process of elimination. We know bombers fall into a discreet number of categories according to motive. There's the terrorist, whose aim is to spread fear; we expect him to strike in a populous area like a subway. There's the politically motivated bomber; he makes a statement by choosing a symbolic target like an abortion clinic. Then there's our unsub. He made bombs designed to kill and he chose his victims specifically by placing the bombs at their stoops. That tells us he has a direct motive. Statistically, he bombs for profit or to conceal a crime. And it tells us how we're going to find him - through the people he killed.
Jason: Somewhere among the three victims there is a direct motive. Keep digging.

Jason: You want my help?
Bruno: Yeah
Jason: Then I need my team!

Jason: Emerson said, "All is riddle, and the key to a riddle is another riddle

Jennifer: [On the just arrested unsub] Did he say anything?
Jason: No. Can we tie him forensically to the other crimes?
Jennifer: Negative on foreign DNA. He must have washed Crawford's clothes
Jason: Then we'll need a confession
Jennifer: Can you get one?
Jason: Did you do what I asked?
Jennifer: Yeah
Jason: Then maybe

Aaron: We believe the unsub resides in Seattle. All of the attacks, most of which have just involved property damage, have take place here, and the timing and location indicate knowledge of the area. Even though he escalated to a lethal bombing today, we don't believe that that was necessarily his intention.
Derek: In fact, anyone not directly next to the device received minor injuries. So we think fear may have been the larger motive.
Special: So he's a terrorist, then.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He is, but it's too vague a description for our purposes. Douglas and Olshaker categorize bombers as criminal, group cause, psychologically disorganized, and personal cause bombers. And we believe this guy to be a personal cause bomber.
Aaron: And personal cause bombers are motivated by an underlying emotional conflict.
Dr. Spencer Reid: In an interview from prison, the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, admitted that while he was a graduate student at the University of Michigan, he started having fantasies of becoming a woman. He even got on a list to get a sex change operation, but during a mandatory psychological exam prior to his procedure, he changed his mind. He told the psychologist that he'd made a mistake.
Jason: But from that moment, through the next three decades of his life, Ted Kaczynski carried out a campaign of isolation and murder.
Derek: This unsub is male. He lives alone. He's possibly self-employed. He's highly organized, he's meticulous, and he's very smart.
Aaron: And he seems odd to those who know him. Angry, distant, prone to sudden violent rage. This is not the kind of guy whose neighbors will be surprised to find out what he's arrested for. This guy's neighbors will have no trouble believing it.
Jason: Targets appear to be technology, but not the hi-tech variety. The kind of technology we're surrounded by.
Aaron: In a city the size of Seattle, we're talking... 10,000 possible targets.

Jason: Sir Peter Ustinov said, "Unfortunately, a superabundance of dreams is paid for by a growing potential for nightmares."

Frank: What's your name? Come on, names are a hobby of mine
Jason: Jason Gideon
Frank: Jason, from the Greek mythology: to heal. Gideon, a hero from the Old Testament, lead the Israelites against the Midianites. Your parents had great ambitions for you! I'm Frank, Germanic 3rd century, derived from the name of type of spear. I wonder what aspirations my parents had for me?

Jason: [voiceover] Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer said "The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children."

Derek: Why the Tommy Killer?
Aaron: You know the rock opera? Well, this unsub glues his victim's eyes wide open.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He wants them to see him.
Jason: And feel him.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Do I look twelve years old to you?
Jason: Fourteen?

Aaron: Is it true what he said about CPR? I mean... I didn't know...
Jason: Want statistics on CPR? Ask Reid!

Jason: [opening quote] "I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, my enemies for their good intellects" - Oscar Wilde

Jason: Why? Why is it always those who profess to be the most fervent believers in this war, they always manipulate other people to die for them?
Jind: Does your president go into battle? Or does he send your children?
Jason: Tonight, all those innocent people...
Jind: There is no such thing Gideon. They were infidels. And they were engaged in activities that spread American policies over the entire world. Your incessant need to own things, material things. Your capitalism rests on the back of third world countries. No one's hands are clean, no one is innocent.

Jason: Hey Hotch, you're the best unit chief I know!
Aaron: Jason, I am the only unit chief you know!

Jason: Playwright Eugene Ionescu said, "Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together."

Nathan: I know I'm crazy.
Jason: Did I say that?
Nathan: No. But what do you call pictures in your head that you can't make go away?

Emily: Excuse me sir, I just want to let you know how much I appreciate...
Jason: You don't thank me
Emily: Sir?
Jason: Not a favor
Emily: Of course. I know that
Jason: You're coming to do a job

Max: [reading a letter from the Keystone Killer] "Isn't Scott Harbin an inelegant creature? A monster. There is no light with him. No balance. He is pure evil. Balance is what gives one mercy. You'll be reminded of my brand of mercy tomorrow, Max."
Derek: What does that mean?
Jason: Scott Harbin's a predator, just not the one we're looking for.

Jason: If I ever found myself feeling the way you do, I'll kill myself!

Jason: [closing quote] "Measure not the work until the day is out and the labor done" - Elizabeth Barret Browning

Jason: When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.

Jason: Norman Maclean wrote "It is those we live with and love, and should know, who elude us."

Max: Did Jason ever tell you about the time that he found the Director's itinerary in a bomber's car?
Dr. Spencer Reid: What? What?
Jason: Max, come on.
Derek: No, no, he never said anything.
Max: Well, let me fill you in, then. We had this bomber case; it was one of Jason's first. So we had him go over and search the bomber's car, which was in the Quantico garage. Except for me and the guys had planted this piece of paper that had all these times and locations of where the FBI Director was gonna be over the next forty-eight hours. Anyway, Jason takes one look at this piece of paper, and before we could stop him, he takes off, runs up twenty-five flights of stairs to the Director's office, barges in.
Derek: [laughing] Get out of here!
Max: Interrupting a meeting with the Attorney General himself.
Derek: [slapping Gideon's knee] Yeah!
Jason: The Director didn't find it very funny.
Max: He was the only one who didn't.

Jason: Mr. Fisher?
Jack: Shrink or cop?
Jason: I'm an FBI profiler, so I guess I'm a little of each.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Do you mind if we swing by a book store, I want to re-read Empty Planet before we meet with the author; I haven't read it since I was six.
Derek: Six? I was still riding my big wheeler at six!
Dr. Spencer Reid: Do you mind, it'll only take ten minutes.
Jason: To buy it or to read it?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, both, actually.

Jason: This last kill had a different signature!
Derek: I know! I also know that Richard Jewel fit the profile of the Olympic Bomber to the "t" and he was innocent, but the accusations tore apart his life!

Elle: Three more victims with nonfatal wounds, and it's only been forty-eight hours since the last shooting.
Jason: The media attention and the FBI presence will only escalate his desire to shoot again.
Detective: Meaning...?
Jason: This is gonna get much worse.

Derek: You've never been to New York?
Dr. Spencer Reid: We've never had an unsub there.
Aaron: [to Gideon] I thought you were going to talk to Reid about taking some vacation time.
Jason: What's vacation time?

Jason: [opening quote] Dr. Thomas Fuller wrote: "With foxes, we must play the fox"

Aaron: The unsub we're looking for is a highly intelligent, underachieving, 35 to 45 year old white male with a severe narcissistic character disorder.
Jason: Nothing in his life works for long. If he was married, he's now divorced. If employed, it won't last.
Derek: What he wants is admiration, but he's got no respect for others. Not their feelings, and most certainly not their safety.
Jason: He feels entitled. He's like a petulant adolescent. He both resents and he absolutely expects others to take care of him.
Aaron: And given that a male relative wouldn't tolerate this behavior, he most likely lives with a female relative; his mother, grandmother, aunt, whom he exploits.
Derek: His arson kit is expensive. Fire suit, oxygen mask. This suggests that he may be employed, but his personality will not allow him to work closely with others in an office setting.
Aaron: This, along with the information about his vehicle, lead us to believe that he's a traveling salesman of some sort who works for a company big enough not to notice that he's a sociopath.
Det. Leah Castro: Okay, this scumbag has issues. We all get it. But why fire?
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's, uh, like a drug addict. Only fire's his drug, and each time an addict needs a fix, they need more of the drug to get off. So his crimes will most likely get much worse. It would be almost impossible for him to quit without help.

Jason: In the last 6 months, your husband start asking you to play out sexual fantasies?
Linda: Excuse me?
Jason: Possibly even berated you if you played along?
Linda: I don't think that's appropriate.
Aaron: When it finally stopped about a month ago you were relieved.
Special: Ma'am, you're afraid to ask why we're here. Now, in your heart you know we're not here because Ronald's helping us with this investigation.
Linda: Good night.
Jason: You've been glad to have him leave the house at odd hours because he's been angry and frustrated. When he comes home he feels like the man you married again.

Aaron: I knew the crutches wouldn't last long.
Jason: Oh, I'd rather limp. I'll be fine.
Aaron: Well, you managed to get on Garcia's nerves pretty thoroughly.
Jason: Who's Garcia?
Aaron: [snort of laughter] Penelope? The tech? With the glasses.
Jason: In the room with the screens?
Aaron: Yeah.
Jason: She's great.

Penelope: [alone, scared in a car] Nervous whistle. Stop it. Everything is... everything is cool, Garci.
[takes a deep breath]
Penelope: Gorgeous tech-kitten found in lonely, dark parking lot. Throat slashed, ear to ear... horrific... tragic... with the very files of one of the most prolific serial killers ever. Tonight he remains at large... the blood of Quantico finest
[Jason opens car door]
Penelope: Oh God! Oh my God!
Jason: Drive
Penelope: You're right, drive! Yes drive! Drive where?
Jason: Just drive
Penelope: Just drive, just drive
[and drives away]

Elle: Dominant one is the mastermind. That's not to say that the submissive partner is in any way pure or innocent in this exchange.
Jason: If their criminal desire wasn't present, their partnership wouldn't work.
Derek: The offenders share a common delusion. It's one that you and I would never accept, but it's this bond that justifies their actions.
Detective: So we're looking for two sick minds who complete each other.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's kind of like the perfect storm. Once these deviant personalities collide, they're deadly and unstoppable.
Aaron: Like the D.C. snipers or the Columbine assassins. Sometimes they've met in childhood. Other times, they can be related, like the Hillside Stranglers, Angelo Buono and Kenneth Bianchi, psychopathic cousins who terrorized women in Los Angeles. The dominant partner makes the submissive one feel invincible. That's his reward for doing as he's told. Unfortunately, there are countless opportunities for these twisted minds to meet. And once they've pulled off their vicious acts, the two accept this as common behavior and become bored with normal activity. They live only for their new reality. They're obsessed with it, addicted to it. And there's a fierce loyalty between the two. The submissive one, however, is usually less intelligent and easier to catch, and once caught, he is easier to turn.
Jason: Lack of remorse increases their aggressiveness. Sexual sadists will stop when they're caught.

Jason: [Garcia knocks on his door] Yeah?
Penelope: Thank you for the flowers.
[Reads from the card]
Penelope: '"I know I can be challenging, but your work is appreciated", J. Gideon'. I appreciate your appreciation. And btw you're not challenging. Oh, no, you're totally challenging, but you're not challenging at all in a bad way, sir.
[Looks at some picture]
Penelope: Hey, is this your family?
Jason: Yeah, sort of
Penelope: Nice. Thanks again for the flowers
[turns around around to leave, passes JJ who just entered]
Penelope: Hey
Jennifer: Hey
Jason: What the hell does btw mean?
Jennifer: Internet shorthand for: by the way. You sent Garcia flowers?
Jason: No

Jason: [opening quote, voiceover] "Our life is made by the death of others." - Leonardo da Vinci.

Jason: Paramedics say he wouldn't have made it without you. You saved his life.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He wanted me to let him die.
Jason: He's sick. He needed saving.
Dr. Spencer Reid: And how many people's lives did I risk in the future?
Jason: Profiles can be wrong.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What if it's not? What if next time he kills somebody?
Jason: Then you catch him.

Jason: He's taking the blood and organs from the bodies and putting them in cylindrical containers. It's anthropophagy.
Penelope: Anthro what what?
Jason: You don't want to know. Give me that.
Penelope: I'm a big girl, I can take it.
Jason: Literal Greek translation is "man eating". Guy's a cannibal.

Jennifer: Terra Mesa, New Mexico. Five dead, all from Mesa University. No signs of sexual assault, and no sign of theft.
Derek: Five nineteen-year-olds, minimal defensive wounds. One of them was impaled on a six-foot wooden pole.
Elle: Who'd want to torture five college freshmen?
Derek: They weren't tied up and no one escaped?
Dr. Spencer Reid: No single unsub could've exerted this much control over so many people.
Elle: So you think there were was more than two.
Jason: I think we're looking at a pack.
Jennifer: A pack?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Three or more that kill in unison. As in nature, the group dynamic dictates the pack's survival is dependent on their ability to hunt successfully.
Aaron: And as in nature, a pack will keep on killing until it runs out of prey or is stopped.
Elle: Stopped by what?
Jason: A stronger pack.

Aaron: We believe whoever poisoned these people was motivated by revenge.
Derek: The randomness of the victimology, average people in an average-sized town, all points to a local resident.
Elle: We know that people who poison for the purpose of revenge primarily act alone.
Aaron: However, he may have manipulated someone close to him to assist him. The unsub usually disposes of these accomplices when they are of no further use to him.
Elle: The unsub is likely a cautious, deliberate, and highly functioning male between the ages of 35 and 50.
Aaron: He chose LSD for a reason. LSD is about altering perception. We think that this unsub is striking out because he feels that's he's been inaccurately perceived by the community, or a subset of it.
Derek: He feels that these attacks will affect and alter a reality that he is caught in, that he perceives to be unjust.
Aaron: He's so self-centered, he believes his victims will know the reason for the attack and who did it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: This individual was savvy enough to use Rohypnol to obstruct our investigation, erasing the memories of the victims of how they were poisoned.
Detective: Hold on. If this guy believes that his victims know who he is, why is he covering his tracks?
Jason: Because these victims aren't his primary targets.
Aaron: We... we know from precedent that this kind of offender, the avenger, tests his weapon first. This attack was a test run.
Detective: A test run for what?
Aaron: We don't know yet. What we do know is this is not the first time he's aired his grievances. While it's not likely that he has a criminal record, it is possible that he has filed criminal charges, or pursued a civil action against his perceived adversaries. And now, to measure the results of his test, he's watching.
Jason: And he wants to see the results of his test. Once he has them, all those years of pent-up rage will be unleashed in the form of a larger attack. Profile indicates a lot of people could die.

Jason: [voiceover] "The defects and faults of the mind are like wounds in the body. After all imaginable care has been taken to heal them up, still there will be a scar left behind." - French writer Francois La Rochefoucauld.

Jason: You havin' fun?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [dully] Yes. Definitely. I'm definitely having fun.
Jason: Make a wish?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Can I take this hat off?
Jason: I wouldn't.
Jennifer: Hey, Spence. First piece for the birthday boy.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [to Gideon] Do you know she's the only person in the whole world who calls me 'Spence.'

Jason: [voiceover] Aristotle said "Evil brings men together."

Jennifer: Hey, um, I just got a really strange delivery...
Jason: Strange as a head in the middle of the night?

Jason: The unsub brought his weapons with him. Tape, glue, wire. He did not leave them at the scene. Took them when he left. He has a kind of killing kit that he carries.
Aaron: Organized killers usually have a skilled job, likely technology related, which may involve the use of the hands. The crime scenes are far enough apart that he needs a vehicle. This will be well-kept, obsessively clean, as will be his home. He's diurnal, the attacks occurred during the day, so the vehicle may be related to his work, possibly a company car or truck.
Derek: We believe he watches the victims for a time, learns the rhythms of the home, knows his time frame.
Aaron: You're not gonna catch him accidentally.
Jason: He destroys symbols of wealth in the victims' homes. He harbors envy of and hatred toward people of a higher social class. He feels invisible around them.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, class is the theme of the poem which he left at the various crime scenes. At one point in the poem, the woman attempts to bribe Death, but he doesn't accept it. He says this is the one moment when riches mean nothing. When Death comes, poor and the rich are exactly alike.
Captain: So, he's poor.
Aaron: Probably middle-class. A decidedly lower-class person would stick out in a highly patrolled neighborhood. This guy appears to, uh, belong there. He blends in.
Detective: Why does he glue the eyes open?
Elle: The unsub is an exploitative rapist. Most rape victims close their eyes during the attack, turn their heads. For some rapists, this ruins the fantasy. For this type of rapist, the goal is more related to the victim watching him than the act itself.
Aaron: The verses, the staging, the aggressive language, "I am death", this is a guy who, while being in control of the crime scene, almost certainly feels inadequate in the rest of his life.
Jason: That's why he couldn't wait for you to figure out what he'd done. Why he needed to make sure all his crimes were counted. His victims, they represent whatever it is that's controlling him, and he wants that control back. He is under the thumb of a powerful woman who frightens him. And a final point: He is white.
Captain: We have witnesses that identify him as a black male.
Jason: The attacker was black. He is not the Tommy Killer.
Aaron: Mrs. Gordon's husband came home at the same time that he always does. The Tommy Killer would've known that.
Elle: And Mrs. Gordon's attacker wore a ski mask. The unsub knows when he walks into a house, he's going to kill the woman who lives there. If you're not leaving any witnesses, why wear a ski mask?
Derek: And he wants the victims to see him anyway.
Aaron: Your attempted rapist is a garden-variety, disorganized young man.
Elle: As the victim's age goes up, generally the attacker's age goes down. Mrs. Gordon is about 60, which puts her rapist at about 20.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Melted wax?
Jennifer: Candle wax?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Candles are used in rituals.
Jason: They're also used on birthday cakes.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Actually, they were originally used to protect the birthday celebrant from demons for the coming year. As a matter of fact, down to the fourth century, Christianity rejected the birthday celebration as a Pagan ritual.
Sheriff: What kind of a doctor are you?

[to Elle]
Jason: You're all right?
Elle: Yeah, I'm fine, Dad.
Jason: Elle?
Elle: Yeah?
Jason: Don't ever call me "Dad" again.
[he walks away]
Elle: How do you think he'd feel about Mom?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Let me know when you're going to do that so I can, uh, run.

Jason: Are there any cults in the area that you know about? Secret groups, people you see you don't know much about, people who stay to themselves mostly.
Sheriff: This is a very religious area, church on Sundays, fellowship on Wednesday, bible classes. If there was a secret group I'd probably know about it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That's an inherent contradiction.
Sheriff: Excuse me?
Jason: He means if there was a group being secretive you probably wouldn't know.

Penelope: You work for the CIA?
Jason: Not officially

[They are next to an open manhole where a murder occurred]
Jason: Someone has to go down
Derek: Ah, see, this ain't cool!
[Prepares to descent]
Derek: I putting in for hazard pay
Jason: Good luck with that!

[closing quotes - 2]
Jason: Ghandi said, "Better to be violent if there's violence in our hearts than to put on the cloak of non-violence to cover impotence.
Aaron: Ghandi also said, "I object to violence because when it appears to do good the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent."

Dr. Spencer Reid: The Hollow Man uses simple statements, all first person. Uh, for example, "I won't be ignored." He's obviously tired of feeling this way. It's quite possible he has a job in solitude or one that he feels strips him of his identity. His job might require him to wear a uniform, something that shows absolutely no individuality. Or he may be overqualified for his menial job and feels like he doesn't get the respect that he necessarily deserves.
Aaron: But today, he's killed two women, which tells us he's growing confident. This makes him unpredictable and dangerous. And because he has no physical contact with his victims, it's going to make him that much harder to catch.
Derek: We have more information on the Mill Creek killer, because he spends a lot of time with his victims before and after his kills.
Jason: Because his victims willingly follow him in broad daylight, he appears harmless. He's most likely handsome.
Agent: Handsome?
Jason: Yes. These women wouldn't follow an unattractive man. They just wouldn't.
Derek: He's handsome, and he's got the social skills to trick his victims. Those who know him well, they'd be shocked to learn that he's the man that we're after.
Jason: He's been able to get his victims away from family, friends. Obviously, this makes him feel powerful.
Agent: If this guy is so smart, why would he risk driving his victims from the abduction site to the woods?
Jason: Because of the ritual. It's become the most important thing to him. Dominates his thoughts. Woods provide the privacy he needs.
Derek: The Hollow Man is motivated by external pressures. This is a guy who simply wants attention. The Mill Creek killer, on the other hand, he's driven by internal forces. He's a sexually motivated offender. Now, this makes him a lot more predictable, but don't think for a second it makes him any easier to catch.

[last lines]
Derek: "A young man that I respect is putting his life on the line"?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Gideon stares at Reid] What?
Derek: I do something?
Jason: What you did with the bomb was stupid.
Derek: Gideon, I couldn't leave that lady out there by herself like that.
Jason: I didn't say you were wrong. And what he said I said, I said.
Jason: I said.
Derek: I knew that.

Maria: Agent Gideon.
Jason: Hello.
Maria: Agent Hotcher. It's an honor. Our papers are fascinated with the idea of a serial killer. And when Navarro suggested that I invite you in to dispel this nonsense, I immediately saw the wisdom. But, enough formalities. I will let you get down to business. Excuse me.
[Sanchez exits]
Captain: [to Gideon and Hotch] She's worse in Spanish.

Aaron: We're going to San Diego.
Derek: Not for the surfing, huh?
Jennifer: They're calling him the Tommy Killer.
Aaron: Six women raped and murdered in their homes in the last three weeks.
Elle: Six in three weeks?
Jason: That's a short fuse.
Aaron: And getting shorter. First two were eight days apart, then the next four in two weeks.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Rapid escalation. You think he's regressing to a psychopathic frenzy?
Aaron: No, he's too controlled for that. See you on the plane.

Jason: George Orwell said "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

Jason: [opening quote] The poet W.H. Auden wrote: "Evil is always unspectacular and always human and shares our bed and eats at our table"

Jason: Nietzsche said, "The irrationality of a thing is no argument against its existence, rather a condition of it."

Jason: Intelligence and awareness don't always allow us to control our urges. Admitting a problem doesn't mean you can manage it.

Jason: Karl Arnold, he has a boy and a girl, just like the Millers and the Crawfords.
Aaron: Target family will be the same.
Dr. Rachel Howard: How could I not have seen it?
Derek: Well, because he's that good. If he wasn't, we would have caught him sooner.

Jason: Robspierre wrote: "Crime butchers innocence to secure prize and innocence struggles with all its might against the attempts of crime."

Derek: Hey, Reid, you got a statistic on arsonists?
Dr. Spencer Reid: 82% are white males between 17 and 27. Female arsonists are far less likely, their motive typically being revenge.
Derek: Sounds like our boy's a student.
Jason: Oh, don't be so sure. You rely too much on precedent, you never allow for the unexpected.

Jason: He's ahead of us. Has been all along! I've got a bad feeling about this one!
Aaron: Me too!

Jason: [voice over, reading the first line of his letter which we find out is to Spencer] I knew it would be you who would come.

Jason: We need to talk, Arseny!
Lysowsky: We're on the first name basis? I still don't even know who you are!

Jason: Diane Arbus once said "A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know."

Jason: GitMo's runway's perpendicular to Cuban airspace, so approaching aircraft have to negotiate a last-minute, ninety degree right turn in order to land. They call it the GitMo twist.

Jason: Albert Pine said "What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains, and is, immortal."

Agent: Weren't you a little bit worried he might just shoot you?
Jason: I was a lot worried.
2nd: But how did you find him?
Jason: I was just stopping for gas. I walked into that store and I saw pieces of a profile that I'd given the Virginia PD almost a year ago. Truck in disrepair, a disheveled young man, severe stutter. James Reese once said "There are certain clues at a crime scene which, by their very nature, do not lend themselves to being collected or examined. How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear?" These are things we're trained to look for.
2nd: So anyone else would have just seen a guy who stutters, but you saw the Footpath Killer.
Jason: Right. But sometimes these guys still found by just dumb luck. Berkowitz was caught because of a parking ticket.
Elle: [entering] Except the cop who caught him wasn't staring down a shotgun like you were.
Jason: This is true.

Derek: [the team has two days to break a detained terrorist] We have two days to do what the CIA hasn't managed in two months?
Jason: We could be looking at the first attack on our soil since 9/11.

[discussing carrying firearms]
Dr. Spencer Reid: You're just saying that to convince me I don't need to carry a gun.
Jason: I don't care if you carry a gun or not. The deadliest weapon we have is a thorough and accurate profile.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Of course, you believe that.
Jason: The footpath killer had a shotgun to the back of my head. I'm here, he's not.

Aaron: Hey
Jason: You and Haley picked the baby's name yet?
Aaron: You know, it's funny. Haley liked the name Charles, but, you know... all I could think of
Jason: Uh, Manson!
Aaron: Then there was Henry...
Jason: Lee Lucas
Aaron: And Jeffrey...
Jason: Dahmer?
Aaron: There's just too many of them!
Jason: Kind of hard to feel good about catching one of them when you know there're 50 more of them still out there!

Jason: [putting his hands in the air] Go ahead, shoot me.
Tim: You think I'm stupid?
Jason: I think you're an absolute moron.

Jason: [voiceover] Helen Keller once said "Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it."

Campus: You're one of those FBI guys. A profiler, right? Like, one look at the crime scene you can tell what kind of shampoo a killer uses.
Jason: You're a bit skeptical.
Campus: Maybe a little.
Jason: Your girlfriend thinks you're going to break up with her.
Campus: You're kidding, right?

Emily: It looks like they were out there for a long time before they were killed.
Jennifer: At least six or seven days.
Derek: What happened in that week?
Penelope: I don't wanna to know.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Look at they way they're dressed. They didn't voluntarily go into the woods like that.
Jennifer: Yeah, neither did this man. Found yesterday with similar wounds. There's still no ID.
Penelope: Okay, so I'm gonna look for missing persons in Washington.
Jason: Look everywhere. We don't know where this victim came from. We only know where he ended up.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Kills both males and females.
Aaron: Victims were found with their clothes on. No degradation, no experimentation. Doesn't look like he's interested in either.
Emily: A serial killer with no sexual preference?
Dr. Spencer Reid: That'd be a first.
Aaron: Broken nose, and bark's embedded in his face. Looks like he ran into a tree.
Derek: Now how do you miss a huge tree?
Aaron: Too busy looking behind you.
Dr. Spencer Reid: None of these are defensive wounds.
Emily: Courtney Jacobs' hands are torn up.
Derek: Shane Everett's only got one shoe on. It's like he ran out of the other one.
Aaron: He sustained numerous injuries and just kept going.
Jason: Only one thing you run that hard for. Your life.

Aaron: What's this?
Jason: It's genius
Aaron: You have Chaplin on film?
Jason: My great-granddad was an accountant at one of the first movie studios
Aaron: He lived in California?
Jason: No, no, no, Chicago. Essanay Studios, closed 1920. Back then, 4 out of 5 movies made in US were made in Chicago. They closed down, they let my grandfather take a... , eh, a couple of extra prints home
Aaron: They "let" him?
Jason: Well, that's a family story, we're sticking to it

Jason: I'm not even happy with the results when God plays God.

Moretti: He wants "it" removed? Do you know what "it" is?
Jason: No. We just bought an hour, though, to figure it out.

Jason: What's going on?
Dr. Spencer Reid: DC may have a serial killer and I just let him get away!

[the team arrives at the college]
Jason: No badges. I don't want to satisfy the unsub's need for attention by letting him know we got the FBI here. Try not to look official.
Jason: [looks at the team's clothing]
Jason: Try to look *less* official.

Aaron: I catch killers, I save lives, I am a hero until my key hits my front door and then I am just the father and the husband who is never there
Jason: Yeah, I get that one
Aaron: Here's the thing: when I am home, I am in this silent panic because I know that I have to be as good as I can, as fast as I can, because any minute the phone is gonna ring and my time is up.

Maggie: Agent Gideon! You're going to have to talk to a lot of victims. It would be helpful to have an extra female presence
Jason: Can you promise me you'll be sensitive?
Maggie: As long as you promise to stay pissed off at what happened to them. I've been on this case since day one. I don't want to have to step aside
Jason: You will not have to. Thank you

Jason: You're okay?
Aaron: I was showing those trainees around the offices today. They all want to be in the BAU, you know. I told them what a great job it is and they even applauded when the tour was over
Jason: I heard
Aaron: And I didn't really tell them the truth, I didn't tell them what it is like to spend your days in this hell
Jason: It's fun, Eh?
Aaron: It gets worse and worse with each case!
Jason: Save one life, we save the world
Aaron: Yeah! Oh, one thing I didn't tell the trainees
Jason: What's that?
Aaron: You do not get paid enough!
Jason: You get that right!

Suzanne: Thank you for being here
Jason: Wish we didn't have to be

Derek: Hour be none?
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Walks right in] 3 PM. He Guys, Garcia told me where to find you
Jason: 3 PM?
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's medieval the days used to be broken into hourly intervals, canonicals hours of the Breviary: Prime: 6 AM, Terce: 9 AM, Sext: 12 noon, None: 3 PM and Verspers: 6 PM
Elle: Reid, do not ever go away again!
Jason: Medieval, that's why the language changed

Jason: You look comfortable up there. Why don't you come back to the BAU for a guest lecture?
Jason: I am retired, remember?
Max: Hell of way to relax: 323 pages on the one that got away
Max: He hasn't gotten away and you didn't count that 8 page prologue

Jason: [mid quote] Winston Churchill said: "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see"

Jason: Most of the satanism we've seen is juveniles damaging property, desecrating churches, cemeteries. To my knowledge, there's never been a proven case of a satanic ritual killing in the United States.

Jennifer: This is the story for tomorrow.
[Hands Morgan the printout of the newspaper with the victim's of the Hollow Man]
Derek: [Reading from the paper] They were our daughters, sisters, mothers and friends.
Jason: They have every right to be remembered and memorialized.
Dr. Spencer Reid: They didn't mention the shooter.
Aaron: He was a nobody who wanted to be somebody by killing people, and they didn't give him that. Good.

[after finding out the local kids found a dead body in the woods and watched it decompose over a long period of time without reporting anything]
Jason: This was a human being!

Dr. Spencer Reid: [after overhearing a conversation between Gideon and Hotch] What happened in Iowa?
Jason: It was one of the first cases Hotch and I worked together. Small town, two boys had been murdered, same signature. The profile led us to the, uh, local 4-H leader. We went to interview him. The guy, he was suicidal, he had a shotgun, our guns were drawn. And at some point, he turns the shotgun on Hotch. Instead of firing, Hotch talks him down. The guy surrenders.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Sounds like pretty good work.
Jason: At trial, the guy's wife gave him an alibi for both murders. Small town, they all knew each other. Jurors believed her. Eventually they got him when he killed another boy.

Derek: They want you back in the saddle! You're ready?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Looks like medical leave is over, boss
Jason: Are you sure they want me?
Aaron: [Nods yes] The order came from the director
Jason: Well, we'd better get started!

Jason: Albert Einstein said "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as judge in the field of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."

Jason: You know what program did the most harm to this country, in terms of crimes like this? Child abduction?
Det. Charlotte Russet: No.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Stranger danger.
Jason: Flooded the schools with it.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I remember them coming to my classroom. It was Officer Friendly with stranger danger coloring books.
Jason: Taught a whole generation about a scary man in a trench coat, hiding behind a tree. Then we learned that strangers are only a... fraction of the offenders out there. Most are people you see every day - your family, your neighbors, schoolteachers. You know the rest. Prepared our children for 1% of the danger, made them more vulnerable to 99%. So we've been wrong before. All we can do is learn from it, and hopefully be better next time.

Elle: What do we call them then?
Aaron: L.D.S.K.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Long Distance Serial Killers.
Elle: How many of these guys have we caught using a profile?
Jason: None.

Jennifer: [news of the LSD poisoning has been leaked to the media] They didn't name the restaurant.
Detective: Wh-what is it?
Jason: Call the local hospital. Make sure they know what's coming. Excuse me.
Aaron: Where do your 911 calls get routed?
Detective: Uh, there's a county phone bank. They contact first responders, the fire department.
Aaron: Alert them, too. They're gonna need additional personnel. And any other backup you've got, auxiliary cops, you're gonna have to call them.
Detective: But why?
Aaron: Because we're gonna have a heck of a time calming people down, when we really don't need the confusion to interfere with our investigation.
Uniform: You want me to start making those calls?
Detective: No, no, no! No. Hey, everybody, please, shut up for a minute!
[the squad room goes silent]
Detective: Tell me what this is all about.
[telephones around the room begin ringing off the hook]
Jason: Panic.

Jason: French poet Jacques Rigaut said: "Don't forget that I cannot see myself. My role is limited to being the one that looks in the mirror."

Jason: Samuel Johnson once said, "Almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble."

Nathan: So, I don't wet the bed or start fires.
Jason: [chuckles] I see you've read Dr. Harris's "Warning Signs of Psychopathy."
Nathan: Yeah, is that wrong?
Jason: No, it's healthy. You're intellectually curious; you want to understand how you're feeling.

Jason: I'll be lost in a cabin in the woods for the next two weeks. Do not call me for anything. Have a great time. You all deserve a break. Seriously, don't... don't call.

Jason: [opening quote] Einstein once said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge: knowledge is limited, imagination encircles the world"

Derek: [after phone call with the unsub and Trish] Guys, she wasn't blindfolded
Jason: No
Derek: If she's seen his face... as soon as he gets that money...
Jason: He'll kill her!

Jason: Doesn't anybody ever go home?
Elle: You're here
Jason: Exactly! Trust me; you don't want to model your social life after mine
Jennifer: If it makes you feel any better: Hotchner and Morgan took off
Dr. Spencer Reid: Hotch is married, Morgan is just, you know, Morgan

Jason: Bernard Shaw once said "An American has no sense of privacy. He does not know what it means. There is no such thing in the country."

Jason: [questioning a surviving victim of the Mill Creek Killer] Was he handsome?
Victim: Yeah, he was. Actually, that's why I stopped.
Jason: When did his demeanor change?
Victim: After I refused to go to his car. He grabbed my arm so hard, I thought that it would break. I don't know, I've been watching the news about all these women being abducted. And... I just started screaming.
Jason: You trusted your instincts. Because of that, you're still alive.

Jason: [voiceover] Dale Turner mused some of the best lessons are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom of the future.

Jason: Hey, Hotch.
Aaron: Yeah?
Jason: Did you send flowers to that tech room girl, Garcia, and say they were from me?
Aaron: Yeah.
Jason: Why?
Aaron: Jason, people need to know that they're important, and sometimes you forget that.
Jason: Well, I already sent her a gift. An mp3 player. They last longer. Unless you drop it or the battery dies, whichever comes first.

Jason: Confucius warned us "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

Aaron: Ever crossed your mind?
Jason: Taking the law into my own hands?
Aaron: Not the law, justice.
Jason: What's this about? The boys in Iowa?
Aaron: It's just a question.
Jason: I guess I think if I ever let my mind go there, then the unsubs would be getting into my head instead of me getting into theirs. That wouldn't be a good idea, now, would it?

Jason: "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed" - Genesis 9:6.

Jason: [opening quote, voiceover] "From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate." - Socrates.

Jason: Robert Oxton Bolt once wrote, "A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind."

Jason: Faulkner once said: "Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors, try to be better than yourself"

Jason: Gideon.
Unsub: What I had to do was not my fault.
Jason: Excuse me?
Unsub: It was distasteful and barbaric.
Jason: Who is this?
Unsub: No one else had to be hurt.
Jason: Call yourself "the Fisher King"?
Unsub: I told you there were rules.
Jason: I'm actually more interested in exactly how you got all those burns.
Unsub: Remember this next time you decide to step outside my instructions: Agent Greenaway did not have to die like that.

Captain: Agent Gideon
Jason: Captain Navarro
Captain: You're shorter than I remembered
Jason: I was on a stage

Dr. Spencer Reid: Hotch told me that when he came to the BAU, you told him he didn't need a gun to kill somebody?
Jason: Well, the only truly effective weapon we have is our ability to do the one thing they can't.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Which is what?
Jason: Empathize. They dehumanize their victims, we humanize the killers.

Jason: If the victim was blindfolded first, the blood would have flowed over the blindfold. He puts it on after he kills them.
Aaron: All three charged with a felony, all three found innocent.
Elle: And that didn't show up on your men's radar?
Det. Nora Bennett: Acquittals? No. Why is it important?
Jason: Because we have a new profile.

Jason: Carl Jung said "The healthy man does not torture others. Generally, it is the tortured who turn into torturers."

Jason: There was a hostage situation. I negotiated with Bale. He agreed to give himself up. He came out of the warehouse peacefully. I gave the okay to send 6 of my agents in and they never came out. It was a mistake. It was my mistake, I was, uhm, I was outfoxed by Mr. Bale. By you. I sincerely regret having made the decision to send those agents in that day. And I sincerely regret and apologize to the families of all those who died that day

Dr. Spencer Reid: The verses.
Jason: Found something?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Uh, not an answer. A question. I... I found the full text; he's pretty much following it to a "T", at least the... the Death side of the conversation.
Jason: But?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Why didn't he leave them at the first three murders? I mean, this ballad is ten verses long, just on the Death side. He's got plenty to work with. But if it's not part of his signature, if it isn't something that he has to do for an emotional reason, then, I mean, why start?
Jason: JJ. Find out when the press ran the first story on this unsub.
Jennifer: When?
Jason: After which victim.
Jennifer: Yeah, you got it.
Derek: What are you thinking?
Jason: He wasn't getting enough attention.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Police departments sometimes don't even realize they're looking at a pattern.
Derek: Yeah, until somebody tells them.

Jason: There's someone else on the plane that's a huge Skins fan.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Who?
Jason: The only person in the world who calls you 'Spence.'

Derek: Reid, are you good with this? We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, an incomplete profile and a Unit Chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
[Gideon comes in from behind him]
Jason: They don't call them nervous breakdowns anymore.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's called a "Major Depressive Episode."
Derek: I know!

Jason: Have Garcia go through open files in Maryland, see if any of them involve this level of torture.
Derek: Got it.
Jason: Have her check the surrounding states, as well. If... the guy's a pro, why do jobs only close to home?
Derek: How far back do you want her to go?
Jason: At least ten years. Guy's no rookie.

Dr. Barry Landman: You're considering *me* a suspect?
Jason: Yes.
Dr. Barry Landman: Well, that's disconcerting. I heard what happened to your last suspect.

Dr. Spencer Reid: Gideon, you do know that Doug Gregory isn't the killer, right?
Jason: Yes, I know that. But he protected one. And now at least six women are dead because of it.

Jason: The French philosopher Voltaire wrote "There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts."

Jason: In my experience, evil is not a cultural phenomenon. It's a human one.

Aaron: With this unsub, we're looking at a compound profile: a Type-4 delusional assassin with an erotomanic fixation on the actress Lila Archer.
Derek: Erotomanics are a form of stalker who possess the delusional belief that another person, usually of a higher social status, is in love with them.
Elle: In the United States, at any given time, there are over 200,000 people being stalked. Our unsub is having a fantasy love affair with Lila Archer, the way John Hinckley did with Jodie Foster.
Aaron: Ms. Archer was not aware of her stalker until yesterday. He wasn't trying to impress her. He was more likely an unwanted, very violent guardian angel.
Jason: When the stalker feels as if they've been in some way betrayed by their love object, this often leads to violence against the target.
Dr. Spencer Reid: In the case of John Robert Bardo, when actress Rebecca Schaeffer took a role where she had to have a sexual relationship with another character, it was enough to force him to snap and seek her out to kill her.
Aaron: Though stalkers can be either male or female, it's most likely we're looking for a single male, a loner, in his late twenties to early forties, very intelligent, with ample time to follow his victim and study her habits.
Dr. Spencer Reid: As of yet, the unsub has not directed any violence towards Ms. Archer. But he has shifted his focus from those around her to her directly.
Jason: This doesn't preclude the fact that anyone who has the vaguest association with Ms. Archer is a potential target.

Jason: [closing quote] Harriet Beecher Stower once said: "The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone"

Aaron: [Gideon enters a briefing on crutches] What happened to you?
Jason: Oh, I got a list of things I want to try before it's too late.
Elle: And orthopedic surgery's one of them?
Jason: No, skydiving. Apparently, it's all about the landing.
[the room snickers]

Derek: Well, that's gotta be a first: a killer actually leading us to another killer.
Jason: Oh, come on. We all know they make the best profilers. They admire each other's work.

Derek: What am I looking for?
Jason: Anything that helps!

Penelope: She shoots... she scores... the crowd goes wild...
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's Garcia on line one
Penelope: Brace yourselves. I am gonna teach you the meaning of LUST!
Jason: Did she say: lust?
Penelope: Mm, mm, I cross-referenced every known fact on the victims and I just found a website that links both Dennis Cutler and Matthew Jarvis' companies: a list of companies guilty of L.U.S.T.
Aaron: I am missing something
Penelope: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks

Aaron: The offender we're looking for is friendly, agile, somewhere between 30 and 35.
Jason: He'll lure with charm, and kill with rage.
Emily: We believe he's murdering men to reclaim his power. This unsub suffers from low self-esteem, but he probably covers it well. He dresses impeccably to feed the facade. Jack the Ripper himself was an impetuous lust murderer, whereas this offender is organized, calculating. He might even stalk his victims for days before the actual kill.
Jason: We believe this killer identifies with Jack the Ripper because he's lost his own identity. Maybe through years of child abuse, or some catastrophic event.
Aaron: Because he overcompensates to hide his insecurities, we believe he may hold a position of authority at work.
Emily: And since we think he's had medical training, consider EMTs, doctors, veterinarians.
Jason: Please be careful. To this unsub, the French Quarter's a hunting ground. He's certainly already proven he knows the terrain.

Jason: [about the campus security guard's girlfriend] You broke up with her? No more necklace.
Campus: Yeah! I kinda want to date someone else.
Jason: What's her name?
Campus: Brian!
Jason: Oh! That's a very good reason.

Derek: [breaking into an encrypted computer] In six tries?
Jason: Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Samuel Buckett.
Derek: Try not. Do or do not.
Dr. Spencer Reid: [Gideon looks confused] Yoda.

Jason: You have the sign-in sheets?
Jennifer: Yeah.
Jason: Garcia standing by to do background checks on 'em all?
Jennifer: Yeah. I've got a deputy waiting to take me back to the station. I'm gonna fax her as soon as I get there.
Jason: Good. This type of unsub can't resist injecting himself into a show like this. He's here with us.

Jason: Sometimes it's not what the unsub does that reveals the profile. Sometimes it is what they do not do.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He doesn't kill his victims.
Jason: Underkill's a unique signature.
Aaron: The question is does he shoot them in the stomach intentionally just to wound them, or is he just aiming at the biggest part of the target? Specifically, does the unsub lack the skill to make the head shot, or simply the will to take it?

Jessica: You're holding him like a cantaloupe.
Aaron: What? You think you can do better? Okay, smarty pants, knock yourself out.
[to baby Jack]
Aaron: Its okay, it's for the...
Jessica: [Now holding baby Jack who immediately stops crying]
Aaron: Well, let's see you profile a disorganized psychopath.
Haley: [Comes in with a phone] It's your wife.
Jason: [On the phone] Hey, I know you're taking the weekend, but I wanted to let you know we got a call...
Aaron: Ah, amazing, I am so glad you're here, sis. And with you coming to town, it's been so much easier to get him to take time off. And I never could have prepared a meal like that by myself!
[Aaron comes in]
Haley: Go.
Aaron: Honey, it's just a briefing, a couple of hours and I'll be back, okay?
Haley: It's okay. They need you. It's alright, I am not mad. Go.
[Leaves the room]
Aaron: You heard her. She said it is alright
Jessica: You're one hell of a profiler.

Jason: Finding new ways to hurt each other is what we're good at.

Max: [reading a note] "In order for the light to shine so brightly, darkness must be present"
Jason: It's quoting Sir Francis Bacon now
Max: I used this specific quote...
Dr. Spencer Reid: In your book on page 184. I, eh, read it on the plane
Max: And you remembered the page number on that quote?
Derek: Don't ask!

Jason: [opening quotation, voiceover] Writer Elbert Hubbard said "No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one."

Jason: It's amazing what you learn when you talk to people!

Jason: One thing I've learned over the years profiling CIA agents is spies are some of the smartest liars in the world. Be smarter.

Jason: The intelligence community's mantra says "Increase the parameter of your enemy's paranoia". Right now, we're the enemy. Whatever you see or are told, please trust no one but me.

Jason: [voiceover] Elbert Hubbard once wrote "If men could only know each other, they would neither idolize nor hate."

Rose: You get enough to eat, honey?
Jason: Oh, yeah.
Rose: Traveling?
Jason: Yeah.
Rose: Where you headed?
Jason: Nowhere in particular.
Rose: How will you know when you get there?
Jason: That's a good question, Rose. That's a very good question.

Det. Stan Gordinski: Agent Gideon, right?
Jason: Yes
Det. Stan Gordinski: I owe you a big thank you! I had no suspects at all until you looked over my case for me and sent me this profile. Everything in it points to that son of bitch, Derek Morgan
[hands over profile]
Jason: [browses through dossier] I profiled him?
Det. Stan Gordinski: It's all right there
Dr. Spencer Reid: Detective, a profile is just a guide
Det. Stan Gordinski: This one guided me to him
Emily: They're really more useful in the elimination of suspects rather than the inclusion
Det. Stan Gordinski: That's not the way you presented it to me
Jason: If I confused you, I'm sorry
Det. Stan Gordinski: Ah, I'm not confused at all
Jason: Look, whatever it is in here that made you consider agent Morgan a suspect, has to be coincidence. You cannot rely solely on this
Det. Stan Gordinski: You're right, I'm not

Jason: Hemingway wrote "There is no hunting like the hunting of man. And those who have hunted armed men long enough, and liked it, never really care for anything else."

Dr. Spencer Reid: I guess I needed to see if I could step away.
Jason: And...?
Dr. Spencer Reid: I'll never miss another plane again.

Jason: I believe it's a case of hero homicide.
Detective: What's that?
Dr. Spencer Reid: The best-known case was hospital nurse Richard Angelo. He would inject toxins into his victims, then wait for them to crash so that he could run to the rescue and save them. He killed twenty-five people, and that's just that we know of.
Detective: If he attacked 'em to save 'em, why'd he kill twenty-five people?
Jason: Wasn't very good at it.

Jason: Euripedes said, "When love is in excess it brings a man no honor, nor any worthiness."

Lt. Ricardo Vega: Where you guys want it?
Aaron: This is this spot
Jason: When he arrives, bring the fake bodies right past us, nice and slow! I want him to get a good look
Lt. Ricardo Vega: Remind me to never play poker with you guys

Jason: [voiceover] Condemned murderer Perry Smith said of his victims, the Clutter family, "I didn't have anything against them and they never did anything wrong to me, the way other people have all my life. Maybe they're just the ones who have to pay for it."

Elle: Murder? Suicides?
Jason: That's what we have to find out!

Jason: He tells the mother, "Don't scream or I'll kill your children." He tells the children, "If you cry, I'll kill Mommy."

Jason: How long can you hold that lawyer off?
Aaron: Are you kidding? I was a prosecutor. I can hold him off for days.

Jason: [voiceover] Nietzsche once said, "If you look long enough into an abyss, the abyss looks into you.

Jason: This is gonna hit you. And when it does, there are only three facts you need to remember. You did what you had to do, and a lot of good people are alive because of what you did.
Dr. Spencer Reid: What's the third?
Jason: I'm proud of you.

Jason: There's a lot we still don't know, but we do know this: these are not blitz attacks. They're too controlled. These are absolutely executions.
Dr. Spencer Reid: An unsub's signature is his own extremely rare combination of M.O. and ritual. An unsub kills to satisfy an inner need, and he'll continue killing until that inner need, which is based on a ritual, is lived out perfectly. Because reality never lives up to fantasy, this becomes an impossibility.
Jason: In other words, he's not gonna stop killing until we catch him.

Jason: [Hotch is commenting about Garcia to Gideon] Garcia?
Aaron: Penelope...? The tech with the glasses...?
Jason: The room... the one with all the screens?
[Hotch nods]
Jason: I like her. She's great.

Jason: [about Det. Gordinksi suspecting Morgan is a serial killer] We're dealing with a desperate detective here. Three dead boys, no evidence at all. So he applies a profile directly to someone he already suspected. It's easy to get tunnel vision that way.
Dr. Spencer Reid: One begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of instead of theories to suit facts. It's one of Sherlock Holmes' favorite quotes.

Dan: Hey, I'm just a middleman here, okay? What can I do?
Jason: There's a little boy for sale on one of your sites. "What can I do" just isn't good enough!

Aaron: So, you know there was a big hole in the profile you presented back there.
Jason: Can you pass the moo shoo, please?
Jennifer: Uh, what's the hole?
Jason: I left out the possibility our unsub might be a cop.

Jason: You ever feel like there's something obvious right in front of you, you just can't see it?
Derek: Yeah, usually right before a woman dumps me.

Derek: With no discernible victim patterns, the killer's practically impossible to stop.
Dr. Spencer Reid: Did you know the original Zodiac Killer actually continually changed his victims. Young, old, men, women, white black.
Jason: Exactly. And he killed for thirty years without ever being caught.

Jason: For them fire is just a substitute for sexual release
Penelope: Oh great! So, if these guys don't get laid, they start fires?
Jason: Or in this case, burn entire families to death
Emily: No statistic?
Jason: No, they don't have statistics on this guy. One of a kind
Penelope: Thank God!

Aaron: We're going to provide a psychological profile of the man we're looking for. It contains some unusual, specific personality traits that someone out there is bound to recognize.
Jason: Which will make him relatively easy to locate. Long-lasting, negative impression he leaves on anyone he might meet.
Derek: We have a term for the killing behavior this unsub displays: cleaning house. Fixing what's wrong with the world.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He's deeply rationalized this behavior, and while he certainly knows the killing is wrong, he truly believes that he's doing the world a great service.
Derek: Ultimately, this type of unsub becomes a loner. There won't be too many people that can still tolerate him. Now, if he does have a relationship at all, the person will not be his equal. It'll be someone subservient to him.
Dr. Spencer Reid: He'll be... fastidious, tending toward obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he'll have an overwhelming sense of indignation towards the things that he's judged to be wrong. He wouldn't even consider the reasons why someone might disagree with him.
Detective: He sounds like a real jagoff.
Derek: Exactly. Class "A" scumbag.
Emily: Detective McGee started noticing the disappearances a year ago. The ubsub probably had a stressor at this time. The death of a family member, or someone who had some semblance of control over him. Right now, no one has control over him.
Dr. Spencer Reid: It's probable that he isn't currently working after this many victims and the devolution that it brings, a job just wouldn't leave him time to practice his true calling.
Capt. Wright: Which is...?
Aaron: A predator. A killing machine. By now, it's become all he thinks about.

Derek: [searching for a clue to indicate the unsub's next target] You know, this is a lot of boxes. How are we supposed to narrow it down?
Jason: Check and see if it ended in acquittal. If it didn't, toss it aside.
Aaron: It has to be a capital case. He's escalating. The more brutal, the better.
Elle: Why not go by most recent?
Dr. Spencer Reid: Judging by his elaborate filing system, Doyle obviously has obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with OCD often finish tasks, and then go back to the beginning and start over.
Derek: So he continually goes through the transcripts and the first one to trigger him becomes his next victim.
Elle: Here's one. This is a liquor store owner who was shot with his own gun.
Aaron: Flip to when they present the defense. Did the defendant testify?
Elle: No.
Aaron: Stick with the ones where the accused took the stand. This is personal. He hears their voices.
Jason: Doyle's victims all claimed to be a type of victim themselves. The first two threw themselves on the mercy of the court, pleading alcohol and drug dependency. The priest said he was a victim, victim of recent hysteria.
Aaron: Look for key phrases: victim, mercy, anything that signifies they thought their crime wasn't their fault.
Dr. Spencer Reid: I think I might have one, guys: Ted Elmore. He shot and killed both his parents after claiming self-defense for years of physical abuse.
Jason: Doyle lost his own parents. Hearing someone get away with killing their own, that would haunt him.

Dr. Spencer Reid: So Seattle's where "it" all began.
Derek: We just need to figure out what "it" is. And off the top of my head, I can think of grunge music and overpriced coffee.
Dr. Spencer Reid: That doesn't seem significant enough for terrorism.
Jason: If it's a personal cause bomber, it only needs to be of significance to him.

[last lines]
Jason: The author Francois de La Rochefoucauld wrote "We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end, we become disguised to ourselves."

Sgt. Tom Sikes: Hope we haven't brought you folks out here for nothing
Dr. Spencer Reid: You don't believe your girls are missing?
Sgt. Tom Sikes: Ah, that's not the kind of things that happen around here, you know?
Jason: You would be surprised how many times we hear that.

Jason: [Opening Quote] "One man's wilderness is another man's theme park." Author Unknown

Jason: So what are they going to take? The jet? I prefer the train anyways!

[last lines]
Jason: [leading Bale back his jail cell] Despite the fact that you lied to us and your deal is void, I made sure to tell all your friends here how extremely willing you were to give up information on your fellow inmates. You're a rare bird, Adrian. I can't tell you how much pleasure I get just knowing I put you in this little, tiny cage. You might even call it an emotional release.

Elle: [a hostage has been rescued from a necklace bomb] How'd you know?
Adrian: [flashback] And the emotional release I would feel by pressing that button... well, that was just a little too... overwhelming to pass up.
Jason: He told me. He said given the opportunity of pressing that button, he'd have no choice. All I did was take his word for it.