Top 50 Quotes From Smurfs: The Lost Village

Gargamel: Wort of worm and hair of cat, show me the home of this Smurf hat.

- Yeah!
- Really takes your breath away, doesn't she?
- This is incredible!
- Oh, no! She's getting way too close to the Forbidden Forest.
- She can't go over that wall.
- Come on.

Gargamel: Three tall trees? Trees, bees, knees... babies crawl on their knees! Check all the nurseries in the area!

- You know what I'm trying to say.
- It hasn't been that much fun.
- Well done, Hefty.
- Well done.
- All right, step one, the wood should be stacked into a tepee-like structure.
- Step two, I tap this flint with a rock and...

- Where is it? What page? Must be here.
- "Alchemy, vanishing, lead into gold."
- No, that's not it.
- Papa.
- Which spell? Which spell?
- Papa.
- We won't find the answer to this in a book.
- Let's take her home.

- I have to at least warn that lost village.
- Well, we're Team Smurf, and we stick together.
- So, we're coming with you.
- I can't ask you to do that.
- You didn't ask.
- We volunteered.
- Thanks, guys.
- First things first.

- Monty, get off of me.
- I hate nature.
- How gaudy.

- Think fast.
- I caught it!
- This isn't good.
- Clumsy, give 'em back their egg!
- Okay.
- Oh, come on!
- Clumsy!
- I'm trying!

Gargamel: Rise, Monty, my majestic eagle.

- Trust us, he's a goner.
- Stormy, why don't you do a little recon? Check things out.
- And leave you here with these four?
- No way. Look at that one.
- He can't be normal.
- I think we'll be just fine here.
- Spitfire!

- Rate of speed of the...
- Okay, and we are off.
- Heave-ho!
- Bye, Bucky.
- Thanks for your help.
- Don't worry, we'll be fine.
- Bye, little Bucky bro.
- Hasta la bunny.
- See you on the way back!

Passerby: Hey, Smurfette! Nice day, huh?
Grouchy: No, it's not!
Smurfette: It's gonna rain! Which also helps the plants grow! But then again, it's gonna be cloudy! But then again, there might be a rainbow! But rainbows are dumb! Just kidding, I love rainbows!
Grouchy: You're not very good at this are you?
Smurfette: No. I'm not. But nor are you! Just kidding! That's a lie.

- Smurfette!
- You okay, Smurfette?
- Nice flowers.
- Nice flowers.
- Not nice flowers!

- It's you.
- You're a girl.
- She's a girl.

Clumsy: Hey! What are you doing here?
Gargamel: Well, I was thinking of getting a little place out here. Just a quiet place in the forest. It's a little breezy up on the hill - WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING HERE?

[repeated line]
Nosey: What's going on over here?

- Hefty!
- Brainy!
- Clumsy! That's not even convincing.
- When I find those Smurfs, I will ground them for a month of blue moons.
- What's going on in here?
- Well, all right.

SmurfBlossom: Boy! That's a funny word! Boy! Boy! Boy! Boy!

- Monty!
- What have they done to you, my glorious bird of prey?
- Smurfs!

Girl: Hi...

- Let's do this.
- They have an escape plan, but they're going to need our help.
- It's time to rock the cage.
- Don't be weird.
- Yes!
- Okay. Now!

- I'm telling you, they've been fried to a blue crisp.
- They're Smurf kabobs.
- Smurfberry flambe.
- Marshmallows.
- Can it, fuzzball. They're dead.
- Dead, I say!

Clumsy: What are you doing here.
Gargamel: Well, I was thinking of getting a little place out here. Just a quiet place in the forest. It's a little breezy on that hill... What do you think I'm doing here?

- But we will definitely not be leaving our rooms until we've thought this whole thing out.
- And then, just for good measure, we'll think about it some more.
- Yes, but...
- Great talk, Papa.
- I have no idea what I'm doing.

Papa: I know four Smurfs who have some explaining to do!

- Where are the seat belts?
- Get them! Get those Smurfs!
- Fire in the hole!
- Get those Smurfs!
- Azrael's gaining on us.
- Incoming bird!
- This might hurt.
- No!

[Monty has brought a bag with a Smurf in it into Gargamel's lair]
Gargamel: Finally, you bring me what I've been asking for. A tiny, blue-skinned, shirtless...
[He empties the Smurf into the cage and finds to his chagrin that it's only Smurfette, his creation and former minion]
Gargamel: You!

- Smurfette!
- Hefty, not you, too.
- You're all right!
- Don't ever do that to me again.
- I won't. I promise.
- Yes, yes, yes!

- Thank you. Thank you.
- Such a kind Smurf.
- Are you okay?
- I'm okay.
- Wet, a little tired, kind of waterlogged.
- Thanks for asking, but...
- I'm still evil, so...
- Enjoy drowning.
- Hope you're better swimmers than you are judges of wizards' character.

- Hey, I've got an idea.
- Spitfire, spit fire!
- I like the way you think.
- I guess I'm pretty good with dragonflies after all.

SmurfBlossom: Smurfette, how could you do this to us?
Gargamel: [gleefully menacing] Because it was her purpose.

- Yeah! Go, Smurfette!
- Azrael, help! More power!
- What are we going to do?
- Bingo. We Smurfboard.
- Team Smurf!
- Payback time.

Clumsy: What does this thing do?
Brainy: I wouldn't touch it if I were you.
Clumsy: Oh, now all l want to do is touch it.

Gargamel: Stop ruining things! Ruining things is my thing!

- Okay, that... That's enough of that!
- They're my friends.
- That's Hefty, Brainy and Clumsy.
- Hey, there!
- Hooptie, Berney, Klutzy. Got it.
- We should do name tags.
- Wait, where are your boys?
- You won't find any boys here.

- Run faster! Run faster!
- Why are our legs so short?
- Why are our feet so big?
- Why are my muscles so big?
- Really, man?
- Guys! Guys! A little help here.
- It's coming.

- Come on, Smurfette.
- I'm gonna show you my room.
- You can tell me all about Gargasmell.
- But first, do you want to hear my favorite song again?
- Hey, hey, hey
- Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
- All right, move.
- Girl Smurfs mean business.
- You got that right.

- Smurfette?
- What happened?
- This is what she once was.

- I got it.
- This is one of those eternal questions that we'll never, ever know the answer to.
- Wait, she is?
- Do you think she heard me?
- So, what is a Smurfette?
- No one wanted that answer more than Smurfette herself.

- Yeah!
- Oh, no.
- My turn!
- Safety third.
- Oh, boy.

- Stop that, Azrael.
- I can't calibrate my machine with all your incessant yammering.
- Yes, Azrael, listen to it.
- It purrs like a kitten.
- Look at that. Everything is in sync.
- Yes, yes. Good.

- Look at me with hair.
- What?
- Why didn't you say so in the first place?
- Blue blazes!
- I've spotted Smurfs in the forest!
- Well, it's my telescope.
- Monty!
- Come, my majestic eagle.

- Come on.
- Go.
- Hey, Smurfette, check this out.
- Come on!

- Freeze ball!
- Yes, these freeze balls only work on real Smurfs.
- And you are nothing more than a lump of clay.
- Thank you for everything.
- Smurfette? How could you do this to us?
- Because it was her purpose.

Farmer: Smurfette is part Smurf and part Ette. So all we have to do is find out what an Ette is.

- Hey, I was ready to do this on my own.
- Great. So much for Team Smurf.
- I want to yell about something!
- Stay out of this, Clumsy.
- That's it, Brain Man. It's time for you to earn your manners badge.
- Stop it!
- Take cover!

- What's going on in here?
- None of your business, Nosey.
- Well, all right.
- Hey! If that vegetable hat can tell us that Hefty is strong, maybe it can tell me what an Ette is.
- Power it up, Brainy.

Papa: [narrating] So, what is a Smurfette?
Baker: Let me be frank. She's a rubbish baker!

- But that's not the only thing that's different about Smurfette.
- She was created by the evil wizard, Gargamel.
- Using dark magic, he made her from a lump of clay.
- Now, go and find Smurf Village.
- Luckily, I knew a little magic of my own.

- Oh, boys.
- Would anyone be interested in knowing that we're in sight of three tall trees?
- All right.
- Yeah, we are.
- And Bucky is gonna get us there extra fast.
- Bucky?
- Seems like a Bucky to me.
- Hit it, Bucky!