The Best Gargamel Quotes

Gargamel: Wort of worm and hair of cat, show me the home of this Smurf hat.

Gargamel: Stop ruining things! Ruining things is my thing!

[Monty has brought a bag with a Smurf in it into Gargamel's lair]
Gargamel: Finally, you bring me what I've been asking for. A tiny, blue-skinned, shirtless...
[He empties the Smurf into the cage and finds to his chagrin that it's only Smurfette, his creation and former minion]
Gargamel: You!

Gargamel: Rise, Monty, my majestic eagle.

Gargamel: Three tall trees? Trees, bees, knees... babies crawl on their knees! Check all the nurseries in the area!

Clumsy: Hey! What are you doing here?
Gargamel: Well, I was thinking of getting a little place out here. Just a quiet place in the forest. It's a little breezy up on the hill - WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING HERE?

SmurfBlossom: Smurfette, how could you do this to us?
Gargamel: [gleefully menacing] Because it was her purpose.

Gargamel: You evil little genius! The rotten apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, after all. Does it?

Clumsy: What are you doing here.
Gargamel: Well, I was thinking of getting a little place out here. Just a quiet place in the forest. It's a little breezy on that hill... What do you think I'm doing here?