The Best Clumsy Smurf Quotes

Brainy: We don't know how long we could be down here, so whatever you do, don't eat all your rations.
Clumsy: I just ate all my rations!
Hefty: What... Why would you do that?
Clumsy: I'm stress eating!

Clumsy: What does this thing do?
Brainy: I wouldn't touch it if I were you.
Clumsy: Oh, now all l want to do is touch it.

Clumsy: Hey! What are you doing here?
Gargamel: Well, I was thinking of getting a little place out here. Just a quiet place in the forest. It's a little breezy up on the hill - WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING HERE?

Clumsy: What are you doing here.
Gargamel: Well, I was thinking of getting a little place out here. Just a quiet place in the forest. It's a little breezy on that hill... What do you think I'm doing here?